The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

MRS. CROSBY (at table R.).  Oh, I wouldn’t do that, Mary.  She may be quite in earnest.

MISS EASTWOOD.  Oh, I can’t believe that.  Madame la Grange!  I can see her now.  Tall, black-haired creature, regular adventuress, see if she isn’t.  Isn’t she, Mr. Wales?

WALES (in front of chesterfield).  She’s the most remarkable woman I have ever known.

(Enter BUTLER from door L., coming well on stage).

BUTLER.  Madame la Grange.

(Enter MADAME ROSALIE LA GRANGE. She is a woman of about fifty.  She speaks with a marked French accent.)

ROSALIE.  Good evening everybody. (The men all rise.)

MRS. CROSBY.  How do you do, Madame la Grange?

ROSALIE.  I am well, I thank you, madame.

MRS. CROSBY.  Do come in.

ROSALIE.  Thank you, madame. (She sees WALES L.C., and goes to him.) Good evening, Mister Wales.  It was kind of you to send the motor-car for me.

WALES.  We wanted you to be comfortable.

ROSALIE.  And I was. (She laughs and turns to MRS. CROSBY R.C.) Do you know, madame, when the gentleman in uniform come for me, I thought at first it was a policeman.

MRS. CROSBY.  I hope you weren’t frightened.

(The positions now are:  ROSALIE C., CROSBY R. end of chesterfield C. MRS. TRENT and STANDISH have moved down L. TRENT comes to L. of arm-chair. Miss ERSKINE seated on chesterfield up C. MRS. CROSBY at table R. WALES L.C. and MASON L.C.)

ROSALIE.  Oh, no, madame.  I should like to see the policeman that could frighten me.  They are nice boys, the policemen.

MISS EASTWOOD (on the R. side of ROSALIE).  Mr. Wales tells us you are wonderful.

ROSALIE.  All women are.

MISS EASTWOOD (with a meaning glance at the others).  So you tell fortunes?

ROSALIE.  No, mademoiselle, I do not.  I get messages from those of us that ’ave passed on.  I do not ’old at all with the cards nor tea-leaves nor any of those tricks.

(All laugh—­MISS EASTWOOD loudest.)

Once in a while I give advice. (She turns to MISS EASTWOOD.) If I was you, mademoiselle, I would not meet Jimmy at the Ritz at three o’clock to-morrow.

(All laugh.  MISS STANDISH crosses to chesterfield C. and sits.  Miss ERSKINE rises and crosses to table R. and sits in arm-chair upper end. MASON moves up and sits on up stage chesterfield.  TRENT goes to L. end of chesterfield.  MISS EASTWOOD is in front of table R. ROSALIE goes to WALES L.C.  CROSBY seats MRS. CROSBY down stage end of table R., then crosses back of MISS ERSKINE to upper end of table.)

Well, sir, and how are you?

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.