The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

WILLIAM.  I understand.

ROSALIE.  You stand here at the back of me.  I wish for them all to be in front of me. (WILLIAM crosses back of ROSALIE to R. side of ROSALIE’S chair.  HELEN crosses R. of ROSALIE above her.) Nelly, stand close by me. (To WILLIAM.) Go farther back. (HELEN moves to R. of ROSALIE.) That’s right.  Now don’t you move from there.  This will be the realest trance and the grandest fake.  When I come out, make them go away, tell them you are afraid and that it will kill me to see anyone.

(She suddenly stiffens in her chair.  Lying rigid with her head thrown back on the head-rest, and the hand in which she is holding WALES’ glove stretched out straight in front of her.  Enter down L., CROSBY, MISS EASTWOOD, STANDISH, TRENT, MRS. CROSBY, MRS. TRENT, MISS ERSKINE and MISS STANDISH.)

CROSBY (crossing to up L.C.).  What is it, Billy?

(MISS EASTWOOD goes to the L. side of ROSALIE’S chair, MRS. TRENT and MRS. CROSBY L. of chesterfield C.; TRENT, MISS ERSKINE and STANDISH lower L. end of chesterfield.)

STANDISH.  What’s happened?

WILLIAM (R. side of ROSALIE’S chair).  I don’t know, exactly.  We were talking about this awful thing.  She knew, of course, that her daughter couldn’t have done it, and she asked me to get her something that had belonged to poor Wales.  I got a glove out of Wales’ overcoat pocket and handed it to her, and then all of a sudden she went stiff like that.  I don’t know what it means.

(The others draw closer to ROSALIE.  MISS EASTWOOD comes to ROSALIE and lays her hand on her forehead.)

MISS EASTWOOD.  She’s like ice, she’s not—­ (Backing up C. a few steps.)

HELEN.  Oh, no, it’s a trance.

(MASON enters L.)

MASON.  I wouldn’t touch her if I were you.

ROSALIE. (Speaking as LAUGHING EYES.) Hello, everybody!  What are you all so solemn about?  I’ve got a message from a new friend.  He do not want me to send it—­he wants to talk; ha, ha, ha, he thinks he can talk, and he ’as only been here a little while. (Still speaking as LAUGHING EYES.) He says you are all fools.  It is so plain, so plain.  He is looking right at the one who did it, right straight at the one who did it.

WALES’ VOICE.  I’m coming to you until you tell.  I can’t speak names.  You’ve got to tell, I’m coming, again and again and again, until you tell.  Find the knife.  You must find the knife.  The marks will show.  The marks will show.

(MISS EASTWOOD shrieks and faints on L. end of chesterfield.  MASON is below end of chesterfield looking at her.  WILLIAM is standing R. side and back of ROSALIE looking eagerly about him.  HELEN turns and looks at MISS EASTWOOD.  MRS. CROSBY goes to MISS EASTWOOD on chesterfield.)

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.