The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

DONOHUE.  The confession of the one who did. (He turns to ROSALIE.)
Bring me that and I’ll set your daughter free.

ROSALIE (C.).  Inspector, give me a chance.  Do not arrest my little girl.  Give me time.  I do know who ’as done it and I will get for you what you want.

DONOHUE (L.C.).  Nonsense!

ROSALIE (moves up to INSPECTOR).  Give me one hour, sir.  Keep them all here one hour more.


WILLIAM (in front of table R.).  Give her a chance.  We are all here—­no one will get away.  What difference will a few minutes make?

(There is a pause.  DONOHUE takes out his watch and looks at it.)

DONOHUE.  I’ll give her ten minutes.  Mike, tell Doolan again to arrest anyone trying to leave the house, and get on the front door yourself and stay there until I tell you. (DUNN turns and exits at L.) You’ve got just ten minutes.

(He follows DUNN off L.)

ROSALIE.  Ten minutes!  Ten minutes!

(WILLIAM crosses to door L. and closes it.)

WILLIAM (L.C.).  Why didn’t you tell who did it?

ROSALIE (C.).  How could I?  I ’ave no idea in the world.  But I am going to find out.  I am going to find out.

HELEN (B.C.).  But how, mother, how?

ROSALIE.  Call them back.  Make them all come, too.  I want them all. 
(HELEN runs off L.) Sir, run down into the ’all.  Do you know which is
Mr. Wales’ overcoat?

WILLIAM.  Yes, I think so.

ROSALIE.  See if you can find for me a glove or something of ’is—­and ’urry, mon Dieu, ’urry!

(WILLIAM runs off L. ROSALIE stands in thought for a moment, then she places a chair C. facing up stage.  WILLIAM runs on again and hands her a glove.)

Did you get it?

WILLIAM (L.C.).  What are you going to do?

ROSALIE (L.C.).  Trick them.  Lie to them.  It is for Nelly.  Do you blame me?

WILLIAM.  What can I do to help?

ROSALIE.  You are a man after my own ’eart.  I am going to do something to put the fear of God into the ’eart of that murderer.  Do not pay any attention to me.  Watch them.  Do not look at me, do not take your eyes off them.  I am looking for one of them to do something that will show us the way.  It is our only chance.

(HELEN runs in L.)

HELEN.  They’re coming.

ROSALIE.  Leave the door open so we can ’ear them. (HELEN does so and returns to her mother, standing L. of ROSALIE.) Child, kiss me for luck. (They kiss.) It will do no ’arm to kiss him, too. (They kiss.) Now, my boy, can you lie?


ROSALIE (C.).  I am going into a trance.  When they do come into the room you will tell them that I asked for Mr. Wales’ glove and the minute I ’ave it in my hand I went off like they see me.  Tell them you thought there might be some reason for it.  And then leave the rest to me. (She sits in the chair C., facing the back of the stage.)

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.