The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

DONOHUE.  All right.  Let me have ’em.  Now ask Mr. Crosby and his son to come here at once.

(DUNN turns and exits L. DONOHUE up C. crosses to back of table R.)

I already have your daughter’s finger-prints, Madame la Grange.

ROSALIE.  ’Ave you really? ...  You are very smart.

(HELEN crosses to ROSALIE R.C.  ROSALIE puts her arms about the girl and swings her L. of her.  When DONOHUE opens box at the back of table CROSBY and WILLIAM enter from L. accompanied by DUNN.)

DONOHUE.  That’s all, Mike.

(DUNN exits L. and closes door.  CROSBY L. of HELEN.  WILLIAM L. of CROSBY.)

Mr. Crosby, I told you that I’d settle this case in a few minutes.  The end has come sooner than I thought.  I am now ready to make an arrest.  I have sent for you and your son because—­ (He suddenly turns toward HELEN.) This is the woman we have been hunting.

ROSALIE.  That is a lie! (R. end of chesterfield.)

(WILLIAM goes to HELEN.)

DONOHUE (picking up cup and holding it out toward them).  Here is the cup—­

(CROSBY crosses down R. to below table—­moves chair over R.)

which we took from Spencer Lee’s rooms.  These are the finger-prints of the woman who used it. (Ignoring CROSBY for the moment.) Here is the saucer that she used.  More finger-prints.  A few minutes ago I sent this young woman a note.  The man who gave it to her wore gloves, so did I when I addressed the envelope.  Hers are the only naked hands that have touched it. (He picks up the envelope gingerly by one corner, and holds it outward to them.) They are unquestionably Helen O’Neill’s finger-prints. (HELEN is in WILLIAM’S arms.  DONOHUE puts down the envelope.  Then he picks up the cup and points to the finger-marks on it.) And so, Mr. Crosby, are these.  There can be no doubt about it.  There is never any doubt about this method of identification.  In twenty years there has never been one mistake.  We now have what we’ve been hunting for:  the woman who went to Spencer Lee’s rooms.

(DONOHUE steps back with a little gesture of triumph.  CROSBY stands staring at the girl.  ROSALIE comes to R. of HELEN, turns to her.)

ROSALIE (C.).  Look at me, my darling.  Look at your mother. (She takes HELEN’S face in her hands and looks at her closely.  Then with a little cry of contentment stands R. of HELEN.  ROSALIE and HELEN back up to chesterfield.) Now, darling, you must not be frightened.  Look up, child.  Why do not you say something?

HELEN.  I can’t.

(Sits on chesterfield. DONOHUE gives a short laugh.)

DONOHUE.  What can she say?

WILLIAM (going to her).  Dear, tell him it’s a lie.

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.