The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

HELEN.  Nothing.

DONOHUE (C.).  Nothing?  I don’t suppose it’s necessary for me to tell you that you’re under grave suspicion.

HELEN.  No, I realize that.

DONOHUE.  Now, the best way to help yourself if you’re innocent is to be quite frank with me. (She simply looks at him, but does not speak.) Well?

HELEN.  I’ve already told you that there is nothing that I can say.

DONOHUE.  Someone has advised you not to answer me.  Who was it? (There is a pause.) You’d better tell me. (Moves R.C.)

HELEN.  I am not going to answer any of your questions.

DONOHUE.  I told you that if you were innocent, nothing that you could say would hurt you.  If you’re guilty—­well that’s a different matter.

HELEN.  You know that I didn’t do it.

DONOHUE (in front of table R.).  Well, there you are.  Why not answer my question then?  The sooner we find out who is guilty the sooner you’ll be freed from suspicion.  You see that, don’t you?

HELEN.  Yes.

DONOHUE (brings chair and sits in front of table R.).  Now we’re getting along.  How well did you know Spencer Lee? (HELEN does not answer him—­looking front.) You’d better make up your mind to talk.  Do you hear? (HELEN does not speak.  Losing his temper.) Why, you little fool, do you think you can fight me? (He turns sharply to face her, turning his back on the door at L.) You were the last person to see Spencer Lee alive.  Yes, and you saw him dead, too.  You heard Wales threaten to tell these fine people what he knew about you; you knew he’d prevent your marriage to this young millionaire, and then—­

(ROSALIE enters quietly from L. and stands for a moment watching them.)

When your chance came in the dark you killed him.  Now then, you come across with the truth.

ROSALIE.  She’ll come across with nothing. (Crosses R. to table.)

(DONOHUE rises and stands by table R.C.  HELEN rises.)

You said that she was the one that did it and you would find the knife on ’er.  Well, you did not, did you?  You think that she is the person that killed Spencer Lee?


ROSALIE.  Well, she is not.  You say you ’ave the finger-prints of the girl who was in his rooms.  Well, take ’er finger-prints and put them side by side with the others, and then you will see.  I dare you to do that.

HELEN (with a cry).  Mother—­ (She stops suddenly.)

DONOHUE.  What were you going to say?

HELEN.  Nothing.

(DUNN enters with box and envelope.)

DONOHUE.  That’s very wise of you.

DUNN.  Got it, Inspector. (Crosses to C.)

DONOHUE (down R.).  Do they compare?

DUNN.  To a T.

(ROSALIE C., HELEN down R. DONOHUE in front table between HELEN and ROSALIE.)

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.