The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

(MISS STANDISH crosses R. to back of table R. MRS. CROSBY, MASON, and SERGEANT DUNN go out L. DUNN closes the door.  HELEN goes up C. TRENT moves one chair up to L. of door L.C., then one chair to R. of door L.C., right back of chesterfield C. MISS ERSKINE crosses to back of table R. MRS. TRENT seated R.C.  WILLIAM in front of chesterfield C.)

MISS EASTWOOD (crossing to DONOHUE R.).  Inspector, I think you’re perfectly wonderful.

DONOHUE.  Oh, we haven’t done very much yet, Miss Eastwood.  Give the police a little time. (He turns and crosses to L.C. With an abrupt change of tone.) Madame la Grange, there’s a question I wish to ask you.

ROSALIE (coming down to L.C.).  Anything at all, sir.

DONOHUE (L.C.).  When Mr. Wales asked you for the name, why didn’t you answer him?

ROSALIE.  I do not know.  I was in a trance. (She moves down L.).

DONOHUE.  Then you didn’t hear the question.

ROSALIE.  How could I?

DONOHUE.  I didn’t ask you that.  I want to know why you didn’t answer him.

ROSALIE.  I ’ave already told you, I was in a trance.  I did not know what was going on.

DONOHUE.  Why didn’t you tell the name that you had agreed with Wales you would tell?

ROSALIE (L.C., astonished).  Agreed?

DONOHUE.  You heard what I said. (There is a pause.) Well, why didn’t you carry out your part of the bargain? (CROSBY moves to front of chesterfield C.) Why didn’t you give him the name as you’d planned?

ROSALIE.  I do not know what you do mean.

DONOHUE.  My words are perfectly plain.  I asked you why you didn’t carry out your part of the bargain?

ROSALIE.  There was not any bargain?

DONOHUE.  Your whole seance was a fake. (Slight movement from others.) It was not only planned but rehearsed between you and Wales.  He thought that a woman had killed his friend.  He told you about it, and asked your help to discover the murderer,

ROSALIE.  I do not know what you talk about.

DONOHUE (ignoring her reply).  Every detail of this seance was planned. 
When he asked you the name you were to tell him the name of a woman—­

(MRS. TRENT moves up R. and joins TRENT and MISS ERSKINE at table R.)

ROSALIE.  Inspector, I ’ave never ’eard one word of this before,

DONOHUE.  Not a word?

ROSALIE.  Not a word.

DONOHUE (L.C., taking paper out of the inside pocket of his coat, and reading aloud).  “What do you want?  Answer.  Don’t forget the swimming pool.  Don’t ever forget the swimming pool.  Do you mean the time he went in after me?  When we were little boys.  Spencer Lee says he can’t rest.”  And so on and so on, down to.  “Do you know who killed you?” (He turns to the others.) The answer to that should have been “Yes.”  What did she say?

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.