The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

MRS. CROSBY (L., outside of circle).  Yes.  I remember.

DONOHUE.  That’s all right, then.  Who came next?

(Down R. They all hesitate.)

ROSALIE (eagerly).  Inspector, I can place them all for you.

MASON (over end of table R.).  But you said you didn’t care how we sat.

(HELEN R.C. in circle.)

ROSALIE.  So I did, sir, but I knew where you were sitting all the same. 
You will permit that I show you, Inspector?

DONOHUE (after a pause).  If you will be so kind.

(MISS STANDISH sits in circle.)

ROSALIE.  The young lady was ’ere.  And this gentleman ’e was ’ere. (Indicating TRENT’S chair.)

TRENT (from L., outside of circle).  By George, I couldn’t have told you, but she’s right.  This is exactly where I was sitting. (Sits in circle.)

ROSALIE (taking HELEN hastily by the shoulder and putting her in the next seat).  And this young lady was ’ere. (HELEN looks at her for a moment and then sinks back in her chair.  ROSALIE points at MASON.) He did come next.

MASON (over R.).  No, you’re wrong there—­I—­You’re right—­I remember perfectly I was next to Miss O’Neill. (Crosses L. and sits L. side of circle.) I know just how her hand felt in the dark.

(WILLIAM looks at him quickly.  HELEN turns and looks at him in wonder.)

HELEN (seated L. side in circle).  Well really, Mr. Mason!

MASON.  Oh, I don’t mean it that way at all.  I assure you I don’t.

WILLIAM.  Then why did you say it? (Seated R.C.)

MASON.  My dear fellow, I’ve apologized.  You are misunderstanding me.

MRS. CROSBY.  I think we’re all very much upset. (L. outside circle.)
Inspector Donohue, must we go through all this again?

DONOHUE.  I’m afraid so, Mrs. Crosby.

CROSBY.  Then let’s get it over as quickly as possible. (Sits C. in his original chair in circle.)

DONOHUE.  Mr. Crosby, you seem to forget that this is a police investigation, and must be conducted as I see fit.  Who sat next to Mr. Mason?

ROSALIE (pointing to MISS EASTWOOD).  This young lady.

MISS EASTWOOD.  I was next to Mr. Mason, wasn’t I, Philip?

(Crossing inside of circle, to chair lower L. side of circle, and sits.)

MASON.  Yes.

DONOHUE.  Now then, who occupied this seat?

MRS. TRENT (L.C. outside of circle).  Mr. Wales.  I know because I sat there, and I was next to him.  Shall I sit there now?

DONOHUE.  If you will be so good.

(MRS. TRENT crosses to R. and sits in circle.)

STANDISH (upper end of table R.).  I was next to Mrs. Trent. (He sits.)

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.