The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

ROSALIE.  He says Ned, he wants Ned.

WALES.  You want me to ask.

ROSALIE.  He wants Ned to ask.

WALES.  Do you know who killed you?

MRS. TRENT (hysterically).  Oh, my God!

CROSBY.  Keep still, Helen.

WALES.  Can you tell the name? (ROSALIE suddenly gives a long moan.) Quick, the name, the name.  Spencer, tell me who killed you—­she’s coming out of her trance.  I want the name. (ROSALIE moans again.  Her cry is overtopped by a shriek from WALES.) Oh, my God!  My back—­oh! (Then there is a dead silence that lasts as long as it will hold.)

CROSBY.  Wales, is anything the matter?

MRS. TRENT.  Father, he’s pulling at my hand.

CROSBY.  The light, Will.

(WILLIAM suddenly turns on the light at table. WALES is discovered leaning forward, the circle is unbroken.)

MRS. TRENT.  Look at him!  Father!  Look at him!

(CROSBY drops ROSALIE’S hand and springs forward towards WALES. At the same instant WALES falls forward on his face to the floor.  The others all rise, chairs are knocked over in the confusion which follows.)

CROSBY.  Stand back, please. (The others move back a little. CROSBY leans over WALES.) Why, he—­why—­it’s impossible.

MRS. CROSBY.  Roscoe, look at your hand.

(CROSBY looks at his hand, takes out his handkerchief and wipes it hurriedly, then crosses suddenly to the door L. ROSALIE has come out of her trance and sits staring at WALES as he lies on the floor in front of her.  The two figures are thrown out from the shadows of the room by the light on the table at the back of MADAME LA GRANGE. The rest of the room is in semi-darkness. TRENT kneels by WALES’ body.)

CROSBY.  Pollock!  Pollock!

POLLOCK (outside).  Yes, sir.

(TRENT turns WALES’ body over on back.)

CROSBY.  Get on the ’phone at once and call up Police Headquarters.  Get
Inspector Donohue if you can.  Tell him to come to the house at once.

POLLOCK.  Very good, sir.

(CROSBY turns away from the door, and faces the others who have followed him over.)

WILLIAM.  Father, what do you suppose it is?  Are you sure that—­

MRS. TRENT.  It can’t be.  He was talking and—­

MRS. CROSBY.  Roscoe, are you sure?  Hadn’t we better send for a doctor?

(TRENT is leaning over WALES’ body on the floor.)

TRENT.  It’s no use.  He’s dead.

CROSBY.  Murdered!

TRENT (rises).  What?

CROSBY.  Mr. Wales was stabbed in the back, just as Spencer Lee was stabbed in the back.

STANDISH.  Just as he was asking—­just when he was trying to find out who—­

(There is a knock on the door down L.)

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.