The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

POLLOCK.  Yes, sir.

CROSBY (L.C.).  Now then, I want you to take the key out of that door, and lock it on the outside, understand?

POLLOCK.  Perfectly, sir.

CROSBY.  Then take the key from the lock and put that one in your pocket also, after that you are to stand outside that door, and you are not to unlock it until I tell you to.  Understand?

POLLOCK.  Yes, sir, I’m to lock this door on the outside, keep the key in my pocket, and then stay just outside, and not open it for anyone until you tell me.

CROSBY.  Exactly. (General buzz of conversation. POLLOCK goes to the door L., takes out the key and exits, closing the door after him.  The key is heard turning in the lock.) Now then, Mason, you’d better try that door, too. (MASON goes over and tries the door L. CROSBY follows him.  Speaking through the door L.) Are you there, Pollock?

POLLOCK (outside.) Yes, sir.

CROSBY.  And the keys are in your pocket?

POLLOCK.  Quite so, sir.

CROSBY.  Now we’re ready, Madame la Grange.

ROSALIE.  Then please you will all sit in a circle and hold hands.

MISS ERSKINE.  Hold hands!  I’m going to love this.

(All laugh.)

MASON (moving down to a chair on the L. of the circle).  How shall we sit?  I mean, do you want us in any particular order?

ROSALIE.  Any way at all.

WILLIAM.  I’ll sit here. (Takes chair and sits in reach of lamp on table R.C.)

ROSALIE.  Any way will do.

(HELEN and MRS. TRENT come down L.)

(They all sit in a circle in the following order:  ROSALIE, C.; CROSBY L. of ROSALIE; MISS ERSKINE, MISS STANDISH, TRENT, MISS EASTWOOD; MASON; HELEN; MRS. TRENT; STANDISH and MRS. CROSBY; WILLIAM sits on ROSALIE’S right side.  This will bring WALES sitting at C. with his back to the audience.  ROSALIE directly opposite up stage facing him.  The thirteen chairs in the circle consist of two brought from the fireplace, two from the table R., eight from the room R.C., and the armchair L.C., which is moved C. and used by ROSALIE. As they are being seated there is a general buzz of conversation as follows:—­)

MISS ERSKINE.  I’m to sit next to you, Mr. Crosby.

CROSBY.  I’ve always wanted to hold your hand, my dear.

MRS. CROSBY.  Don’t trust him, Daisy.

MISS ERSKINE.  I won’t, Mrs. Crosby.

MISS STANDISH.  I’ll chaperone them.

MASON (to HELEN).  Will you sit by me?

TRENT.  I’ll take this place then.

MISS EASTWOOD.  I’m really getting quite a thrill. (ROSALIE laughs.)
What’s the joke, Madame la Grange?

(MRS. TRENT moves outside of circle to R.C., then sits.)

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.