The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

MASON (R. of small table).  Good Lord!

WALES (L.C., quietly).  What did I tell you?

(There is a long pause, all turn towards ROSALIE to see what she will do next.  MASON takes console table back to its place to the R. end of the chesterfield.  TRENT and MRS. TRENT are over L. STANDISH and CROSBY C.)

ROSALIE (C.).  Now you all do know what I can do, but I can trick you too; so you will ’ave to take my word for it that I will not.  I am not making to you any promises.  I will go into the trance for you and it will be the real trance and not a fake.  My spirit does control a little girl named Laughing Eyes.

CROSBY.  Are you asking us to believe that the spirit of a dead child—­

ROSALIE (C.).  To them that believe there is no death.  Your own religion teaches you that.

CROSBY.  But not that the spirits of the dead can come back to earth.

ROSALIE (moves to chair upper end of table R. CROSBY crosses to R. end of chesterfield).  Monsieur should go and read the Bible.  I am not going to argue with any of you.  I did not come ’ere for argument.  Most of you do not believe.  You are all of little faith; it is ’ard to get messages then.  Perhaps it would be best if I did go. (Crosses to L.C.  STANDISH has moved to the back of table R.)

MRS. CROSBY (at table R.).  Oh, no, please stay.

ROSALIE (after hesitating).  Madame, I will be glad to.

(WILLIAM and HELEN enter R.C.)

TRENT (down L. of arm-chair).  And you’re willing to submit to our conditions?

ROSALIE.  Of course, anything in reason—­I—­

HELEN (coming down R.C.).  Why!

(At the sound of a new voice ROSALIE turns.  She gives a little start, and then moves quickly to HELEN C.)

ROSALIE.  Wait!  Something is coming to me.  Please—­not anyone to speak!

(All laugh.)

(She is close to HELEN and looks at her.) It is a message.  Give me your ’and, mademoiselle.

(HELEN in a good deal of confusion gives ROSALIE her hand.  ROSALIE stands and holds it.  Her eyes are closed.)

There is nothing but ’appiness coming to you.  The spirits tell me you are the favourite child of fortune.

(WILLIAM comes down to R.C.)

You will ’ave wealth and prosperity and ’appiness.  You will marry the man you love, and you will be ’appy all your life,

(WALES goes up L. TRENT comes to ROSALIE a step.  ROSALIE turns to the others.)

There is something I want to tell ’er just for ’erself.  She is so young, we must spare her modesty.

(MRS. TRENT goes up L. TRENT, MISS EASTWOOD, and WALES go up L.C.  ROSALIE brings HELEN down L. WILLIAM joins CROSBY and MRS. CROSBY R. MISS ERSKINE and STANDISH are at the back of table R.)

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.