Homestead on the Hillside eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 246 pages of information about Homestead on the Hillside.

Homestead on the Hillside eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 246 pages of information about Homestead on the Hillside.

“But how have you lived?” asked Lenora.

“Lived!” he repeated, “I have not lived.  I have merely existed.  Gambling and drinking, drinking and gambling, have been the business of my life, and have reduced me to the miserable wretch whom you see.”

“Oh, father, father,” cried Lenora, “reform.  It is not too late, and you can yet be saved.  Do it for my sake, for, in spite of all your faults, I love you, and you are my father.”

The first words of affection which had greeted his ear for many long years made the wretched man weep, as he answered:  “Lenora, I have sworn to reform, and I will keep my vow.  During one of my drunken revels, in St. Louis, a dream of home came over me, and when I became sober I started for Connecticut.  There I heard where and what your mother was.  I had no wish ever to meet her again, for though I greatly erred in my conduct toward her, I think she was always the most to blame.  You I remembered with love, and I longed to see you once more, to hear again the word ‘father,’ and know that I was not forgotten.  I came as far as the city, and there fell into temptation.  For the last two months I have been there, gambling and drinking, until I lost all, even the clothes which I wore, and was compelled to assume these rags.  I am now without home or money, and have no place to lay my head.”

“I can give you money,” said Lenora.  “Meet me here to-morrow night, and you shall have all you want.  But what do you purpose doing?  Where will you stay?”

“In the village, for the sake of being near you,” said he, at the same time bidding his daughter return to the house, as the night air was damp and chilly.

Within a week from that time a middle-aged man, calling himself John Robinson, appeared in the village, hiring himself out as a porter at one of the hotels.  There was a very striking resemblance between him and Lenora Carter, which was noticed by the villagers, and mentioned to Mrs. Hamilton, who, however, could never obtain a full view of the stranger’s face, for without any apparent design, he always avoided meeting her.  He had not been long in town before it was whispered about that between him and Lenora Carter a strange intimacy existed, and rumors soon reached Mrs. Hamilton that her daughter was in the habit of frequently stealing out after sunset, to meet the old porter, and that once, when watched, she had been seen to put her arms around his neck.  Highly indignant, Mrs. Hamilton questioned Lenora on the subject, and was astonished beyond measure when she replied: 

“It is all true.  I have met Mr. Robinson often, and I have put my arms around his neck, and shall probably do it again.”

“Oh my child, my child,” groaned Mrs. Hamilton, really distressed at her daughter’s conduct.  “How can you do so?  You will bring my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave.”

“Not if you pull out as many of them as you now do, and use Twiggs Preparation besides,” said Lenora.

Project Gutenberg
Homestead on the Hillside from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.