The Liberation of Italy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 445 pages of information about The Liberation of Italy.

The Liberation of Italy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 445 pages of information about The Liberation of Italy.

  Garigliano, Battle of, 323.

  Genoa, ceded to Sardinia, 13-15.

  Genoa, Charles Felix, Duke of, 30-32.

  Ghio, General, 302, 303.

  Giacinta di Collegno, 38.

  Gioberti, 78, 133.

  Gladstone, W.E., 187.

  Goito, Battle of, 112.

  Gravelotte, Battle of, 405.

  Gregory XVI., 50, 76, 77.

  Guerrazzi, 135, 136.

  Gyulai, Count, 227, 230, 231, 240.

  Haynau, General, 145, 162.

  Hess, General, 228, 230, 242.

  Hilliers, Baraguay d’, 229.

  Hoche, 5.

  Hortense, Queen, 55.

  Humbert of the White Hands, 172.

  Immaculate Conception, Doctrine of, 77.

  Jesuits, 51, 75, 128, 379.

  Kanzler, General, 392.

  Kellersperg, Baron von, 227.

  Klapka, General, 357.

  Kohlen-Brenners, 22.

  Kossuth, 246, 253.

  Kuhn, General, 372.

  Laderchi, Count, 40.

  La Farina, 295.

  La Gala, 331.

  Lamartine, 117

  La Marmora, General, 170, 171, 202. 348, 352,
    357, 359, 361-366

  Lamoriciere, General, 311, 313.

  Lannes, Marshal, 231.

  Lanza, General, 282, 283, 286, 403, 406, 407.

  Le Boeuf, General, 379.

  Leo XII., 49.

  Leopardi, 186.

  Leopold II., 89, 159, 234.

  Lesseps, Ferdinand, 151, 154.

  Letizia, General, 284, 286.

  Liborio Romano, 306.

  Lincoln, President, 343.

  Lissa, Battle of, 374.

  Lodi, 4.

  Lombardy, trials in, 40; Revolution, 100, 162.

  Louis Philippe, 128.

  Lucca, 16.

  Machiavelli, 2, 3, 52, 412.

  MacMahon, Marshal, 229, 233, 244, 406.

  Magenta, Battle of, 232, 234, 236.

  Malghella, 23.

  Malmesbury, Lord, 223.

  Mamelli, Goffredo, 154, 155.

  Manin, Daniel, 99, 116, 160, 168, 203.

  Mantua, Prince Eugene in, 8-10;
    gallant defence, 105.

  Manzoni, Alessandro, 19.

  Margaret, Queen, 199, 401.

  Maria Adelaide, Queen, 169.

  Maria Teresa, Queen, 31.

  Marie Louise, Empress, 12, 31;
    death, 88.

  Marie Sofia, Princess, 237.

  Mamiani, Terenzio, 126, 131.

  Maroncelli, Pietro, 44.

  Marryat, Captain, 274.

  Marsala, 274, 276, 345.

  Martinengo, Count, 145.

  Mary, Princess, of Cambridge, 205

  Mastai Ferretti, Cardinal, 77.

  Matilda, Archduchess, 401.

  Maximilian, Archduke, 211.

Project Gutenberg
The Liberation of Italy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.