Primitive Christian Worship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about Primitive Christian Worship.

Primitive Christian Worship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about Primitive Christian Worship.
was there a multitude of the heavenly host praising and blessing God when Christ was born.  All things are full of angels.  COME, ANGEL, take up one who by the word is converted from former error, from the doctrine of demons, from iniquity speaking on high, and taking him up like a good physician, cherish him, and instruct him.  He is a little child, to-day he is born, an old man again growing young; and undertake him, granting him the baptism of the second regeneration; and summon to thyself other companions of thy ministry, that you all may together train for the faith those who have been sometime deceived.  For there is greater joy in heaven over one sinner repenting, than over ninety and nine just persons who need no repentance.  Every creature exults, rejoices with, and with applause addresses those who are to be saved; for the expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.  And although those who have interpolated the apostolical writings are unwilling that such passages should be in their books as may prove Christ to be the Creator, yet every creature waiteth for the sons of God when they shall be freed from sin, when they shall be taken away from the hand of Zabulon[55], when they shall be regenerated by Christ.  But now it is time that we touch somewhat on the present place.  The Prophet sees not a vision, but visions of God. {154} Why did he see not one, but many visions?  Hear the Lord promising and saying, I have multiplied visions. 8.  ‘The fifth month.’  This was the fifth year of the captivity of king Joachim.  In the thirtieth year of Ezekiel’s age, and the fifth of the captivity of Joachim, the prophet is sent to the Jews.  The most merciful Father did not despise the people, nor leave them a long time unadmonished.  It is the fifth year.  How much time intervened?  Five years elapsed since they were captives in bondage.]

(The portion between brackets is what I regard as an interpolation.)

    [Footnote 55:  This word is frequently used for “Diabolum.”  Thus
    in a hymn used in the Roman ritual on Michaelmas-day we read,
    “Michaelem in virtute conterentem Zabulum.”]

“Immediately the Holy Spirit descends.  He opened the heavens, that they who were oppressed by the yoke of bondage might see those things which were seen by the prophet.  For when he says, The heavens were opened, in some measure they see with the eyes of their heart what he had seen even with the eyes of his flesh.”

Now the question is, Can this apostrophe to an angel be admitted as evidence that Origen held, and in his own person acted upon the doctrine of the Invocation of Angels?

Project Gutenberg
Primitive Christian Worship from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.