English Grammar in Familiar Lectures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about English Grammar in Familiar Lectures.

English Grammar in Familiar Lectures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about English Grammar in Familiar Lectures.
Where shell I dump my cart, square?      Where shall I unload my cart? 
Dump it yender.  Whats the heft of       Yonder. What is the weight
your load?                              of your load?

When ju git hum from Hafford?  When did you return from
A fortnit ago.  You diddent, did ye?  Hartford
?  A fortnight ago. It
Ju see my Danel, whose sot up a is possible!  Did
you see my son
tarvern there?  No.  Hede gone afore Daniel, who has opened a public
I got there.  O, the pesky criter! house
there?  No. He had left
Hele soon be up a stump. before
I arrived there.  O, the
                                        paltry fellow!  He will soon come
                                        to naught.

My frinds supurb mansion is My friend’s superb mansion is delightfully sitewated on a nate-eral delightfully situated on a mound of considerable hithe.  It hez natural mound of considerable a long stoop in front; but it is furder height.  It has a long porch from the city than I’de like my hum. in front; but it is farther from
                                        the city than I would like to

I know’d the gal was drownded, and I knew the girl had been I tell’d the inquisitdoners, that ize drowned, and I told the jury nither geestin nor jokin about it; but of inquest, that I was if they’d permit me to give em my not jesting about it; but, by ideze, they’d obleege me.  So I permitting me to give them my parsevered, and carried my pinte.  You view of the subject, they would don’t say so.  Be you from Barkshire? oblige me.  So, I persevered, I be.  Neow I swan! if I aint clean and gained my point.  Indeed! beat.  Are you from Berkshire?  I am. 
!I am surprised.

You baint from the Jarseys, be ye?      Are you from New Jersey?  Yes,
Yes.  Gosh! then I guess you kneow       Then I presume you know how
heow to tend tarvern.                   to tend a tavern.


I seen him.  Have you saw him            I saw him.  Have you seen him? 
Yes, I have saw him wunst; and that     Yes, once; and that was before
was before you seed him.                you saw him.
I done my task.  Have you did            I have done my task.  Have you
yours?  No, but I be to do it.           done yours?  No, but I must.

I be to be there.  He know’d me.  I shall be there; or, I must
                                        be there.  He knew me.

Project Gutenberg
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.