English Grammar in Familiar Lectures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about English Grammar in Familiar Lectures.

English Grammar in Familiar Lectures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about English Grammar in Familiar Lectures.

As each of the following provincialisms and vulgarisms, has its locality in some one section or other of our country, it is hoped that these corrections will be found useful in the districts to which the various phrases respectively belong.


Aint          Are not
haint         have not
taint         ’tis not
haint         are not
maint         may not
wont          will not
wer’nt        were not
waunt         was not
woodent       would not
mussent       must not
izzent        is not
wazzent       was not
hezzent       has not
doozzent      does not
tizzent       ’tis not
whool         who will


Akst          askt
4             4
ben           bin
4             2
hul           hole
4             1
hum           home
4             1
stun          stone
66            4
dooz          duz
2             4
glass         glass
2             4
mass          mass
2             4
brass         brass
2             4
pass          pass
3             2
flawnt        flant
4             4
hiz’zn        hiz
37            37  4
hou’zn        houz’iz
1    4        1      4
an’shent      ane’tshent
1   4         1    1
an’jel        ane’jel
4   4         1    4
dan’jur       dane’jur
4   4         1    4
stran’jur     strane’jur
2   4        1    4
tscham’bur    tshame’bur
1  4          1    1
na’tur        na’tshure
4  4  4       4    1  4
nat’ur-el     natsh’u-ral
3   4         3     1
for’tin       for’tshune
3   1   1     3     1  1
for’tew-nate  for’tshu-nate
4   1         4     1
vur’tew       ver’tshu
4   1  4      4     1 4
vur’tew-us    ver’tshu-us
1   1  4      4      1 4
ak’tew-el     ak’tschu-al
4  1   1      4   1  1
ed’ew-kate    ed’ju-kate
4   4         2   4
faTH’ur       fa’THur
heft          weight
stoop         porch
stent         task
helve         handle
muss          disorder
dump          unload
scup          swing
shay          gig or chaise
cutter        one-horse sleigh
staddle       sapling
foxy          reddish
suple         spry or supple


Strenth       strength
lenth         length
brenth        breadth
ort           ought
nan           what
wisht         wish
wunst         once
ouch          oh
cheer         chair
spook         ghost
furnentz      opposite
wanity        vanity
in wain       in vain
ornary        ordinary
for by        to spare
we bit        small piece
disremember   do not remember


66            1
Door          dore
66             1
floor         flore
5             4
ond           and
5             55
loss          looz
66            1
koorse        korse
66            1
soorse        sorse
4             66
till          too
4             7
put           put
4             7
fut           fut
4  66         4   54
a-koont’      ak-kount’
4   4         7   4
pul’pit       pul’pit
1    4        3
pare’sun      par’sn


Project Gutenberg
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.