faggot fagot
fasset faucet
fellon felon
fie fy
germ germe
goslin gosling
gimblet gimlet
grey gray
halloe halloo
highth height
hindrance hinderance
honied honeyed
impale empale
inclose enclose
inclosure enclosure
indict endict
indictment endictment
indorse endorse
indorsement endorsement
instructor instructer
insure ensure
insurance ensurance
judgement judgment
laquey lackey
laste last
licence license
loth loath
lothsome loathsome
malcontent malecontent
maneuver manoeuvre
merchandize merchandise
misprison misprision
monies moneys
monied moneyed
negociate negotiate
negociation negotiation
noviciate novitiate
ouse ooze
opake opaque
paroxism paroxysm
partizan partisan
patronize patronise
phrenzy phrensy
pinchers pincers
plow plough
poney pony
potatoe potato
quere query
recognize recognise
reindeer raindeer
reinforce re-enforce
restive restiff
ribbon riband
rince rinse
sadler saddler
sallad salad
sceptic skeptic
sceptical skeptical
scepticism skepticism
segar cigar
seignor seignior
serjeant sergeant
shoar shore
soothe sooth
staunch stanch
streight straight
suitor suiter
sythe scythe
tatler tattler
thresh thrash
thwak thwack
tipler tippler
tranquility tranquillity
tripthong triphthong
trissyllable trisyllable
valice valise
vallies valleys
vise vice
vollies volleys
waggon wagon
warrantee warranty
whoopingcough hoopingcough
woe wo
yeast yest
The following words being often erroneously pronounced by polite people, as well as by the vulgar, their correction, in this place, agreeably to Cobb’s Dictionary, it is presumed, will be useful to many. Some of the mispronunciations given are provincial.
1 2 3 4 1 4 1 4 1
3 5 6 1 4
Fate, far, fall, fat—me, met—pine,
pin—no, nor, not, move—tube,
7 34 37