Mr. Direck had read a very great deal of all this expressed opiniativeness of Mr. Britling: he found it entertaining and stimulating stuff, and it was with genuine enthusiasm that he had come over to encounter the man himself. On his way across the Atlantic and during the intervening days, he had rehearsed this meeting in varying keys, but always on the supposition that Mr. Britling was a large, quiet, thoughtful sort of man, a man who would, as it were, sit in attentive rows like a public meeting and listen. So Mr. Direck had prepared quite a number of pleasant and attractive openings, and now he felt was the moment for some one of these various simple, memorable utterances. But in none of these forecasts had he reckoned with either the spontaneous activities of Mr. Britling or with the station-master of Matching’s Easy. Oblivious of any conversational necessities between Mr. Direck and Mr. Britling, this official now took charge of Mr. Direck’s grip-sack, and, falling into line with the two gentlemen as they walked towards the exit gate, resumed what was evidently an interrupted discourse upon sweet peas, originally addressed to Mr. Britling.
He was a small, elderly man with a determined-looking face and a sea voice, and it was clear he overestimated the distance of his hearers.
“Mr. Darling what’s head gardener up at Claverings, ’e can’t get sweet peas like that, try ’ow ’e will. Tried everything ’e ’as. Sand ballast, ’e’s tried. Seeds same as me. ’E came along ’ere only the other day, ’e did, and ’e says to me, ’e says, ’darned ’f I can see why a station-master should beat a professional gardener at ‘is own game,’ ’e says, ‘but you do. And in your orf time, too, so’s to speak,’ ’e says. ‘I’ve tried sile,’ ’e says—”
“Your first visit to England?” asked Mr. Britling of his guest.
“Absolutely,” said Mr. Direck.
“I says to ’im, ’there’s one thing you ‘aven’t tried,’ I says,” the station-master continued, raising his voice by a Herculean feat still higher.
“I’ve got a little car outside here,” said Mr. Britling. “I’m a couple of miles from the station.”
“I says to ’im, I says, ‘’ave you tried the vibritation of the trains?’ I says. ’That’s what you ’aven’t tried, Mr. Darling. That’s what you can’t try,’ I says. ’But you rest assured that that’s the secret of my sweet peas,’ I says, ’nothing less and nothing more than the vibritation of the trains.’”
Mr. Direck’s mind was a little confused by the double nature of the conversation and by the fact that Mr. Britling spoke of a car when he meant an automobile. He handed his ticket mechanically to the station-master, who continued to repeat and endorse his anecdote at the top of his voice as Mr. Britling disposed himself and his guest in the automobile.
“You know you ’aven’t ’urt that mud-guard, sir, not the slightest bit that matters,” shouted the station-master. “I’ve been a looking at it—er. It’s my fence that’s suffered most. And that’s only strained the post a lil’ bit. Shall I put your bag in behind, sir?”