Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 654 pages of information about Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2).

Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 654 pages of information about Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2).
War and the assembly of the States General, saved human progress in face of the political fatuity of England and the political nullity of France; and they are now, amid the distraction of the various representatives of an obsolete ordering, the only forces to be trusted at once for multiplying the achievements of human intelligence stimulated by human sympathy, and for diffusing their beneficent results with an ampler hand and more far-scattering arm.  Faith in a divine power, devout obedience to its supposed will, hope of ecstatic, unspeakable reward, these were the springs of the old movement.  Undivided love of our fellows, steadfast faith in human nature, steadfast search after justice, firm aspiration towards improvement, and generous contentment in the hope that others may reap whatever reward may be, these are the springs of the new.

There is no given set of practical maxims agreed to by all members of the revolutionary schools for achieving the work of release from the pressure of an antiquated social condition, any more than there is one set of doctrines and one kind of discipline accepted by all Protestants.  Voltaire was a revolutionist in one sense, Diderot in another, and Rousseau in a third, just as in the practical order, Lafayette, Danton, Robespierre, represented three different aspirations and as many methods.  Rousseau was the most directly revolutionary of all the speculative precursors, and he was the first to apply his mind boldly to those of the social conditions which the revolution is concerned by one solution or another to modify.  How far his direct influence was disastrous in consequence of a mischievous method, we shall have to examine.  It was so various that no single answer can comprehend an exhaustive judgment.  His writings produced that glow of enthusiastic feeling in France, which led to the all-important assistance rendered by that country to the American colonists in a struggle so momentous for mankind.  It was from his writings that the Americans took the ideas and the phrases of their great charter, thus uniting the native principles of their own direct Protestantism with principles that were strictly derivative from the Protestantism of Geneva.  Again, it was his work more than that of any other one man, that France arose from the deadly decay which had laid hold of her whole social and political system, and found that irresistible energy which warded off dissolution within and partition from without.  We shall see, further, that besides being the first immediately revolutionary thinker in politics, he was the most stirring of reactionists in religion.  His influence formed not only Robespierre and Paine, but Chateaubriand, not only Jacobinism, but the Catholicism of the Restoration.  Thus he did more than any one else at once to give direction to the first episodes of revolution, and force to the first episode of reaction.

Project Gutenberg
Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.