Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 654 pages of information about Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2).

Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 654 pages of information about Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2).
ii. 65;
  parliament of, orders “Letters from the Mountain” to be burnt,
     ii. 295;
  also Voltaire’s Philosophical Dictionary, ii. 295;
  Danton’s scheme for municipal administration of, ii. 168,
  two parties (those of Voltaire and of Rousseau) in, in 1793, ii.
  excitement in, at Rousseau’s appearance in 1765, ii. 283;
  he goes to live there in 1770, ii. 314;
  Voltaire’s last visit to, ii. 323, 324.

Paris, Abbe, miracles at his tomb, ii. 88.

Parisian frivolity, i. 193, 220, 329.

Parliament and Jesuits, ii. 64.

Pascal, ii. 37.

Passy, Rousseau composes the “Village Soothsayer” at, i. 212.

Paul, St., effect of, on western society, i. 4.

Peasantry, French, oppression of, i. 67, 68.

Pedigree of Rousseau, i. 8, n.

Pelagius, ii. 272.

Peoples, sovereignty of, Rousseau not the inventor of doctrine of,
     ii. 144-148;
  taught by Althusen, i. 147;
  constitution of Helvetic Republic in 1798, a blow at, ii. 165.

Pergolese, i. 292.

Pestalozzi indebted to Emilius, ii. 252.

Philidor, i. 292.

Philosophers, of Rousseau’s time, contradicting each other, i. 87;
  Rousseau’s complaint of the, i. 202;
  war between the, and the priests, i. 322;
  Rousseau’s reactionary protest against, i. 328;
  troubles of, ii. 59;
  parliaments hostile to, ii. 64.

Philosophy, Rousseau’s disgust at mimic, at Paris, i. 193;
  drew him to the essential in religion, i. 220;
  Voltaire’s no perfect, i. 318.

Phlipon, Jean Marie, Rousseau’s influence on, ii. 315.

Plato, his republic, i. 122;
  his influence on Rousseau, i. 146, 325, n.;
  Milton on his Laws, ii. 178.

Plays (stage), Rousseau’s letter on, to D’Alembert, i. 321;
  his views of, i. 323;
  Jeremy Collier and Bossuet on, i. 323;
  in Geneva, i. 333, 334, n.;
  Rousseau, Voltaire, and D’Alembert on, i. 332-337.

Plutarch, Rousseau’s love for, i. 13.

Plutocracy, new, faults of, i. 195.

Pompadour, Madame de, and the Jesuits, ii. 64.

Pontverre (priest) converts Rousseau to Romanism, i. 31-35.

Pope, his Essay on Man translated by Voltaire, i. 309;
  Berlin Academy and Lessing on it, i. 310, n.;
  criticism on it by Rousseau, i. 312;
  its general position reproduced by Rousseau, i. 315.

Popeliniere, M. de, i. 211.

Positive knowledge, i. 78.

Press, freedom of the, ii. 59.

Prevost, Abbe, i. 48.

Projet pour l’Education, i. 96, n.

Property, private, evils ascribed to i. 157, 185;
  Robespierre disclaimed the intention of attacking, i. 123,

Protestant principles, effect of development of, ii. 146-147.

Project Gutenberg
Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.