This care, I am sure, of our selves, and this Compassion one of another, God and Nature and the Gospel require; and how much or how little soever others may be affected at this, you Sir, I dare say, will think best of your self, when you tread most in the steps of your Saviour, and like him, go about doing good: When you relieve the Afflicted, assist your Neighbours, and comfort your Friends; when you please and benefit those that desire to hear you, and Reverence and Kindness and Truth, are the Law of your Tongue. When a meek and quiet Spirit adorns you, and Piety gives the grace to your looks, when your Religious Example shines so lovely and clear, as to draw those after you, to whom it shews the beautiful way, and Vanity has not the face to appear; then, and not much before then, will you think you have made some Advance to Peace and a Crown.
In hopes of that desired Success,
I am,
Your, &c.
These sermons preach’d upon several Occasions.
By the Right Reverend
Father in God, Richard Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells.
Remarks upon an Essay concerning Humane Understanding: In a Letter address’d to the Author.
Second Remarks upon an Essay concerning Humane Understanding; In a Letter address’d to the Author. Being a Vindication of the First Remarks, against the Answer of Mr. Lock, at the End of His Reply to the Lord Bishop of Worcester.
The Occasional Paper: Numb. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII.
A Guide to the Devout Christian in 3 Parts. By John Inett M.A. Chanter of the Cathedral Church in Lincoln.
A Guide to Repentance, or the Character and Behaviour of the Devout Christian in Retirement. By John Inett, M.A.
Printed for Matt. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet.