Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 276 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.

Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 276 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.

The discussion of party politics is excluded from the order by common consent, as well as by the terms of its constitution.  How much this one wise provision tends to preserve harmony among those of different sects and political parties needs no comment.  We know that on one or both of these rocks most great popular organizations have been wrecked.  So far, the Patrons of Husbandry have worked together with great harmony, and the slight discords have been nothing more than the surface ripples on a great onward-setting current.  Men and women are received on terms of absolute equality throughout all the seven degrees.  Four are degrees conferred in subordinate granges, and the higher in the State granges or in the National Grange—­the seventh in the latter only, constituting a national senate and court of impeachment, and having charge also of the secret work of the order.  All officers are chosen by ballot—­those of the National Grange for three years, of State granges for two years, and of subordinate granges for one year.  The names of the first four degrees are respectively, for men and women, Laborer and Maid, Cultivator and Shepherdess, Harvester and Gleaner, Husbandman and Matron; and the initiations are not only exceedingly impressive and beautiful, but really instructive.  It may also be added that they are never tedious, which will be agreeable information to those who, in entering secret societies, have been dragged through long, meaningless rigmaroles, conscious of being made a spectacle of, and preserving their temper only by the most strenuous efforts.

Into the initiations of the order of the Patrons there enter as machinery or symbols music and song, the expression of exalted sentiments, ceremonies replete, without exception, with significance and instruction, together with fruits and grains and flowers and simple feasts.  Two fundamental objects of the organization are social and intellectual culture.  The widespread realization of the importance of these among the people is the first great step toward securing them, and the first unmistakable sign that such step has already been taken is the rebelling against pure drudgery.  Said the Master of the National Grange, Mr. Dudley W. Adams, in a late address:  “It will doubtless be a matter of surprise to them” (editors, lawyers, politicians, etc.) “to learn that farmers may possibly entertain some wish to enjoy life, and have some other object in living besides everlasting hard work and accumulating a few paltry dollars by coining them from their own life-blood and stamping them with the sighs of weary children and worn wives.  What we want in agriculture is a new Declaration of Independence.  We must do something to dispel old prejudices and beat down old notions.  That the farmer is a mere animal to labor from morning till eve, and into the night, is an ancient but abominable heresy."...  “We have heard enough, ten times enough, about the ‘hardened hand of honest toil,’

Project Gutenberg
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.