Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 548 pages of information about Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I..

Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 548 pages of information about Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I..

Syra. For five Pence.  That’s too much, you nasty Jade.  Nay, ’tis too little, no Body will sell you for less.  Upon my Life it cost me as much within a Trifle.  You Witch, you tell a Lie, that you may sell it for twice or three Times as much as it cost you.  Ay, I’ll sell it for a hundred Times as much if I can, but I can’t find such Fools.  What if I should ask the Price of yourself?  What do you value yourself at?  According as I like the Person.  What do you prize yourself at?  What Price do you set upon yourself?  Tell me, what Price do you rate yourself at?  Ten Shillings.  Whoo, so much?  O strange!  Do you value me at less?  Time was when I have had as much for one Night.  I believe you may, but I believe you an’t now worth so much as a Fish by a great Deal.  Go hang yourself, you Pimp.  I value you as little as you do me.  He that shall give a Farthing for you buys you too dear.  But I’ll be sold for more, or I won’t be sold at all.  If you would be sold at a great Rate you must get you a Mask, for those Wrinkles in your Forehead won’t let you be sold for much.  He that won’t give so much for me shan’t have me.  I would not give a Straw for you.  I cost more.

A third Example.

I have been at an Auction to-Day.  Say you so?  I bid Money for a Share in the Customs.  But how much?  Ten Thousand Pound.  Whoo! what, so much?  There were those that bid a great Deal more; very few that offer’d less.  Well, and who had the Place at last? Chremes, your Wife’s great Friend.  But guess what it was sold for.  Ten.  Nay, fifteen.  O good God!  I would not give Half so much for him and all his Family together.  But he would give twice as much for your Wife.  “Do you take Notice, that in all these, wheresoever there is a Substantive of the Price, that is put in the Ablative Case; but that the rest are either put in the Genitive Case, or are changed into Adverbs.  You have never heard a Comparative without a Substantive, except in these two, pluris, and minoris.  There are some other Verbs, of which we have spoken, that are not very much unlike these, sum, facio, habeo, duco, aestimo, pendo, which signify (in a Manner) the same Thing; likewise fio, and they are for the most Part join’d with these Genitives, multi, parvi, magni, pluris, plurimi, minoris, minimi, maximi, tanti, quanti, flocci, pili, nihili, nauci, hujus, and any other like them.” Ch. Give Examples.

Of valuing.  The Form.

Au. Do you know how much I have always valu’d you?  You will always be made of such Account by Men as you make Account of Virtue.  Gold is valued at a great Rate now a-Days, Learning is valued at a very little, or just nothing at all.  I value Gold less than you think for.  I don’t value your Threats of a Rush.  I make a very little Account of your Promises.  I don’t value you of a Hair.  If Wisdom were but valued at so great a Rate as Money, no Body would want Gold.  With

Project Gutenberg
Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.