Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 548 pages of information about Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I..

Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 548 pages of information about Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I..

Sy. When?  To morrow come never?

Ra. Do you grin you Pimp?  Yes, before the first of March:  And as you come back, turn on the Left-hand, and go to the Bookseller, and enquire of him, if there be any new Books come out of Germany, learn what they are, and the Price of them; then desire Goclenius, to do me the Honour to come to Supper with me, tell him I must sup by myself if he don’t.

Sy. What do you invite Guests too?  You han’t Victuals enough in the House to give a Mouse a Meal.

Ra. And when you have done all these, go to the Market, and buy a Shoulder of Mutton, and get it nicely roasted:  Do you hear this?

Sy. I hear more than I like to hear.

Ra. But take you Care you remember ’em all.

Sy. I shall scarce be able to remember half of ’em.

Ra. What do you stand loytering here, you idle Knave?  You might have been back before now.

Sy. What one Person in the World can do all these?  Truly I must wait upon him out, and attend upon him home; I’m his Swabber, his Chamberlain, his Footman, his Clerk, his Butler, his Book-keeper, his Brawl, his Errand-boy, and last of all he does not think I have Business enough upon my Hands, unless I am his Cook too.

* * * * *

3.  Concerning Riding.

Ra. Bring me my Boots, I am to ride out.

Sy. Here they are, Sir.

Ra. You have look’d after them bravely, they are all over mouldy with lying by; I believe they han’t been clean’d nor greased this twelve Months Day; they are so dry, they chap again; wipe them with a wet Cloth, and liquor them well before the Fire, and chafe them till they grow soft.

Sy. It shall be done, Sir.

Ra. Where are my Spurs?

Sy. Here they are.

Ra. Ay, here they are indeed, but all eaten up with Rust.  Where is my Bridle and Saddle?

Sy. They are just by.

Ra. See that nothing is wanting or broken, or ready to break, that nothing may be a Hinderance to us, when we are upon our Journey.  Run to the Sadlers, and get him to mend that Rein:  When you come back, look upon the Horses Feet, and Shoes, and see if there be any Nails wanting, or loose.  How lean and rough these Horses are!  How often do you rub ’em down, or kemb them in a Year?

Sy. I’m sure I do it every Day?

Ra. That may be seen, I believe they have not had a bit of Victuals for three Days together.

Sy. Indeed they have, Sir.

Ra. You say so, but the Horses would tell me another Tale, if they could but speak:  Though indeed their Leanness speaks loud enough.

Sy. Indeed I take all the Care in the World of ’em.

Ra. How comes it about then, that they don’t look as well as you do?

Project Gutenberg
Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.