Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 548 pages of information about Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I..

Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 548 pages of information about Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I..

Co. Good God! how I am pleas’d that you have been as great a Fool as I!  What Pallas put that into your Head?

Ar. No Pallas, but Moria rather, especially when I left at Home a handsome young Wife, several Children, and a Family, who had nothing in the World to depend upon for a Maintenance but my daily Labour.

Co. Sure it must be some important Reason that drew you away from all these engaging Relations.  Prithee tell me what it was.

Ar. I am asham’d to tell it.

Co. You need not be asham’d to tell me, who, you know, have been sick of the same Distemper.

Ar. There was a Knot of Neighbours of us drinking together, and when the Wine began to work in our Noddles, one said he had a Mind to make a Visit to St. James, and another to St. Peter; presently there was one or two that promis’d to go with them, till at last it was concluded upon to go all together; and I, that I might not seem a disagreeable Companion, rather than break good Company, promised to go too.  The next Question was, whether we should go to Rome or Compostella?  Upon the Debate it was determin’d that we should all, God willing, set out the next Day for both Places.

Co. A grave Decree, fitter to be writ in Wine than engrav’d in Brass.

Ar. Presently a Bumper was put about to our good Journey, which when every Man had taken off in his Turn, the Vote passed into an Act, and became inviolable.

Co. A new Religion!  But did you all come safe back?

Ar. All but three, one dy’d by the Way, and gave us in Charge to give his humble Service to Peter and James; another dy’d at Rome, who bad us remember him to his Wife and Children; and the third we left at Florence dangerously ill, and I believe he is in Heaven before now.

Co. Was he so good a Man then?

Ar. The veriest Droll in Nature.

Co. Why do you think he is in Heaven then?

Ar. Because he had a whole Satchel full of large Indulgencies.

Co. I understand you, but it is a long Way to Heaven, and a very dangerous one too, as I am told, by reason of the little Thieves that infest the middle Region of the Air.

Ar. That’s true, but he was well fortify’d with Bulls.

Co. What Language were they written in?

Ar. In Latin.

Co. And will they secure him?

Ar. Yes, unless he should happen upon some Spirit that does not understand Latin, in that Case he must go back to Rome, and get a new Passport.

Co. Do they sell Bulls there to dead Men too?

Ar. Yes.

Co. But by the Way, let me advise you to have a Care what you say, for now there are a great many Spies abroad.

Project Gutenberg
Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.