A Virgin repenting before she had profess’d herself, goes Home again to her Parents. The crafty Tricks of the Monks are detected, who terrify and frighten unexperienced Minds into their Cloysters, by feign’d Apparitions and Visions.
Eu. I could always wish to have such a Porter.
Ca. And I to have such Visitors.
Eu. But fare you well, Kitty.
Ca. What’s the Matter, do you take Leave before you salute?
Eu. I did not come hither to see you cry: What’s the Matter, that as soon as ever you see me, the Tears stand in your Eyes?
Ca. Why in such Haste? Stay a little; pray stay. I’ll put on my better Looks, and we’ll be merry together.
Eu. What Sort of Cattle have we got here?
Ca. ’Tis the Patriarch of the College: Don’t go away, they have had their Dose of Fuddle: Stay but a little While, and as soon as he is gone, we will discourse as we use to do.
Eu. Well, I’ll be so good natur’d as to hearken to you, though you would not to me. Now we are alone, you must tell me the whole Story, I would fain have it from your Mouth.
Ca. Now I have found by Experience, of all my Friends, which I took to be very wise Men too, that no Body gave more wise and grave Advice than you, that are the youngest of ’em all.
Eu. Tell me, how did you get your Parents Consent at last?
Ca. First, by the restless Sollicitations of the Monks and Nuns, and then by my own Importunities and Tears, my Mother was at length brought over; but my Father stood out stiffly still: But at last being ply’d by several Engines, he was prevail’d upon to yield; but yet, rather like one that was forced, than that consented. The Matter was concluded in their Cups, and they preach’d Damnation to him, if he refus’d to let Christ have his Spouse.
Eu. O the Villany of Fools! But what then?
Ca. I was kept close at Home for three Days; but in the mean Time there were always with me some Women of the College that they call Convertites, mightily encouraging me to persist in my holy Resolution, and watching me narrowly, lest any of my Friends or Kindred should come at me, and make me alter my Mind. In the mean While, my Habit was making ready, and the Provision for the Feast.
Eu. How did you find yourself? Did not your Mind misgive you yet?
Ca. No, not at all; and yet I was so horridly frighted, that I had rather die ten Times over, than suffer the same again.
Eu. What was that, pray?
Ca. It is not to be uttered.
Eu. Come, tell me freely, you know I’m your Friend.
Ca. Will you keep Counsel?
Eu. I should do that without promising, and I hope you know me better than to doubt of it.