Lord of the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 364 pages of information about Lord of the World.

Lord of the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 364 pages of information about Lord of the World.
and sat in cars, the inner life had been busy-making frantic speechless acts of faith in a religion which his intellect denied and from which his emotions shrank.  There had been moments of ecstasy—­now in a crowded street, when he recognised that God was all, that the Creator was the key to the creature’s life, that a humble act of adoration was transcendently greater than the most noble natural act, that the Supernatural was the origin and end of existence there had come to him such moments in the night, in the silence of the Cathedral, when the lamp flickered, and a soundless air had breathed from the iron door of the tabernacle.  Then again passion ebbed, and left him stranded on misery, but set with a determination (which might equally be that of pride or faith) that no power in earth or hell should hinder him from professing Christianity even if he could not realise it.  It was Christianity alone that made life tolerable.

Percy drew a long vibrating breath, and changed his position; for far away his unseeing eyes had descried a dome, like a blue bubble set on a carpet of green; and his brain had interrupted itself to tell him that this was Rome.  He got up presently, passed out of his compartment, and moved forward up the central gangway, seeing, as he went, through the glass doors to right and left his fellow-passengers, some still asleep, some staring out at the view, some reading.  He put his eye to the glass square in the door, and for a minute or two watched, fascinated, the steady figure of the steerer at his post.  There he stood motionless, his hands on the steel circle that directed the vast wings, his eyes on the wind-gauge that revealed to him as on the face of a clock both the force and the direction of the high gusts; now and again his hands moved slightly, and the huge fans responded, now lifting, now lowering.  Beneath him and in front, fixed on a circular table, were the glass domes of various indicators—­Percy did not know the meaning of half—­one seemed a kind of barometer, intended, he guessed, to declare the height at which they were travelling, another a compass.  And beyond, through the curved windows, lay the enormous sky.  Well, it was all very wonderful, thought the priest, and it was with the force of which all this was but one symptom that the supernatural had to compete.

He sighed, turned, and went back to his compartment.

It was an astonishing vision that began presently to open before him—­scarcely beautiful except for its strangeness, and as unreal as a raised map.  Far to his right, as he could see through the glass doors, lay the grey line of the sea against the luminous sky, rising and falling ever so slightly as the car, apparently motionless, tilted imperceptibly against the western breeze; the only other movement was the faint pulsation of the huge throbbing screw in the rear.  To the left stretched the limitless country, flitting beneath, in glimpses seen between the motionless

Project Gutenberg
Lord of the World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.