Lord of the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 364 pages of information about Lord of the World.

Lord of the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 364 pages of information about Lord of the World.

“Yes,” said the old man, “but you must remember the Poor Laws.  That established the Communists for ever.  Certainly Braithwaite knew his business.”

The younger priest looked up inquiringly.

“The abolition of the old workhouse system,” said Mr. Templeton.  “It is all ancient history to you, of course; but I remember as if it was yesterday.  It was that which brought down what was still called the Monarchy and the Universities.”

“Ah,” said Percy.  “I should like to hear you talk about that, sir.”

“Presently, father....  Well, this is what Braithwaite did.  By the old system all paupers were treated alike, and resented it.  By the new system there were the three grades that we have now, and the enfranchisement of the two higher grades.  Only the absolutely worthless were assigned to the third grade, and treated more or less as criminals—­of course after careful examination.  Then there was the reorganisation of the Old Age Pensions.  Well, don’t you see how strong that made the Communists?  The Individualists—­they were still called Tories when I was a boy—­the Individualists have had no chance since.  They are no more than a worn-out drag now.  The whole of the working classes—­and that meant ninety-nine of a hundred—­were all against them.”

Percy looked up; but the other went on.

“Then there was the Prison Reform Bill under Macpherson, and the abolition of capital punishment; there was the final Education Act of ’59, whereby dogmatic secularism was established; the practical abolition of inheritance under the reformation of the Death Duties—–­”

“I forget what the old system was,” said Percy.

“Why, it seems incredible, but the old system was that all paid alike.  First came the Heirloom Act, and then the change by which inherited wealth paid three times the duty of earned wealth, leading up to the acceptance of Karl Marx’s doctrines in ’89—­but the former came in ’77....  Well, all these things kept England up to the level of the Continent; she had only been just in time to join in with the final scheme of Western Free Trade.  That was the first effect, you remember, of the Socialists’ victory in Germany.”

“And how did we keep out of the Eastern War?” asked Percy anxiously.

“Oh! that’s a long story; but, in a word, America stopped us; so we lost India and Australia.  I think that was the nearest to the downfall of the Communists since ’25.  But Braithwaite got out of it very cleverly by getting us the protectorate of South Africa once and for all.  He was an old man then, too.”

Mr. Templeton stopped to cough again.  Father Francis sighed and shifted in his chair.

“And America?” asked Percy.

“Ah! all that is very complicated.  But she knew her strength and annexed Canada the same year.  That was when we were at our weakest.”

Percy stood up.

“Have you a Comparative Atlas, sir?” he asked.

Project Gutenberg
Lord of the World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.