Whereby, whereto, etc., 85.
Whether, conjunction, 194.
interrogative pronoun, 72.
Which, antecedent of, 79.
as adjective, 104, 105.
as relative pronoun, 75.
in indirect questions, 85.
indefinite relative, 83.
interrogative pronoun in direct
questions, 72.
syntax of, 295-299.
whose, possessive of,
Who, as relative, 75.
in direct questions, 72.
in indirect questions, 85.
indefinite relative, 83.
objective, in spoken English,
referring to animals, 77.
syntax of, 296, 299.
Widower, 37.
Wife, 36.
Will, would. See Shall.
Witch, wizard, 36.
With, uses of, 218.
Woman, 32.
Words in _-ing_, 178.
in _-ly_, 190.
Worse, worser, 111.
Y, plural of nouns ending in. 40.
Yes in analysis, 246.
Yon, yonder, 103.
You, singular and plural, 61.
Yours, of yours, 64.
Yourself, yourselves, 70.