An English Grammar eBook

James Witt Sewell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 358 pages of information about An English Grammar.

An English Grammar eBook

James Witt Sewell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 358 pages of information about An English Grammar.

  Neuter nouns, definition of, 30.
    or gender nouns, according to use, 30.
    two kinds of, 32.

  News, 41.

  No in analysis, 246.

  Nominative.  See Case.

  None, syntax of, 301.

  Nor, 194, 328.

  Not a, etc. 126.

  Noun clause, 258.

  Nouns, 17.
    abstract, 20.
       become half abstract, 25, 124.
       become proper, 25.
       formation of, 21.
    case of, 46.
    collective, 19.
    common, 18.
    definition of, 17.
    descriptive, 26.
    gender of, 29.
    how to parse, 56.
    kinds of, 17
    material, 19.
       become class nouns, 24, 125.
    neuter, used as gender nouns, 30.
    number in, 38.
    once singular, now plural, 42.
    other words used as, 27.
    plural, how formed, 38-41.
       of abstract, 41
       of compound, etc. 43.
       of foreign, 45.
       of letters and figures, 46.
       of material, 41.
       of proper, 41.
       same as singular, 39.
       two forms of, 42
       with titles, 44.
    proper, 18.
       become common, 23.
    syntax of, 278.
    use of possessive form of, 278, 285.
    with definite article, 121.
    with different meaning in plural, 42.
    with indefinite article, 124.

  Nouns, with no singular, 42.
    with one plural, two meanings, 43.
    with plural form, singular meaning, 41.
    with singular or plural construction, plural form, 41.

  Now as conjunction, 195, 196.

  Number, definition of, etc., in nouns. 
       See Nouns.
    in adjectives, 106.
    in pronouns, personal, 60.
    in verbs, 148.

  Numeral adjectives, definite, 101.
    distributive, 102.
    indefinite, 101.

  Numeral pronouns, 92.

  Object, adverbial, 48.
    definition of, 48.
    direct and indirect, 48.
    in analysis, 235.
    of preposition.  See Preposition.
    modifiers of, 240.
    retained with passive verb, 242.

  Objective case, adverbial, dative, 48, 242.
    in spoken English, 281.
    instead of nominative, 279.
    nominative instead of, 282.
    of nouns, 48.
    of pronouns, 66.
    syntax of, 279.

  Of, uses of, 213.

  Older. See Elder.

  Omission of relative pronoun, 87, 293.

  On, upon, uses of, 216.

  One, definite numeral adjective, 101.
    indefinite pronoun, 94.
    possessive of, 93

  One another. See Each other.

  One (the), the other, as adjective, 103.
    as pronoun, 91.

  Only, as conjunction, 194.
    position of, as adverb, 325

Project Gutenberg
An English Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.