Elements of the sentence, 234, 257.
Ellipsis, a source of error in pronouns,
in complex sentence, 255.
’Em, origin of, 62.
Empress, 34.
_-En_, added to plural, 39.
feminine suffix, 32.
plural suffix, original, 38.
English, literary, spoken, vulgar, 12.
periods of, 33.
Enlargement of predicate, 241.
of subject, object, complement,
_-Es_ original of possessive ending, 51.
plural suffix, 40.
_-Ess_, feminine suffix, 33.
Every, adjective, 102.
syntax of, 287.
Expect of, expect from, 334.
Expected to have gone, etc., 319.
Factitive object, 48, 235.
Farther, further, 110, 112, 189.
Feminine, 30.
Few, a few, 126.
First, 103, 112.
First two, two first, etc., 308.
Fish, fishes, 43.
For, redundant, with infinitive,
used as a noun, 212, 238.
uses of, 211.
Foreign plurals, 45.
Former, the, adjective, 102.
pronoun, 91.
From, uses of, 212.
Further. See Farther.
Future tense, 147, 152.
Future perfect, 148, 152.
Gander, goose, 36.
Gender, “common gender,”
definition of, 30.
distinguished from sex, 30.
in English, as compared with
other languages, 29.
modes of marking, in nouns,
of personal pronouns, 60.
of relative pronouns, 80.
Genii, geniuses, 43.
Gerund, distinguished from participle
and verbal noun, 177.
forms of, 176.
in syntax, possessive case
with, 285.
Girl, 35.
Got, 159.
Government, definition of, kinds of, 275.
Grammar, basis of, 12.
definition of, 12.
divisions of, 13.
opinions on, 9.
province of, 10.
H, an before, 120.
Had better, had rather, 175.
Hanged, hung, 159.
He, she, it, 61.
His for its, 61.
Husband, 36.
I, personal pronoun, 60.
Imperative mood, 144.
of first person, 145.
Imperative sentence, 231.
Imperfect participle, 173.
Indefinite adjective, 101.
Indefinite article. See Articles.
Indefinite pronoun, 93.
Indefinite use of you, your, 67.
Independent clause, 257.
Independent elements, 245.