The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln eBook

Francis Fisher Browne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 764 pages of information about The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln.

The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln eBook

Francis Fisher Browne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 764 pages of information about The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln.

Beckwith, H.W., 81

Beecher, Henry Ward, abolition sermons read by L., 166;
  invites L. to speak in his church, 214;
  eloquent abolitionist, 245

Bell, John, nominated for president, 251

Bennett, John, impressions of L., 67-68

Bible, L’s knowledge of, 118;
  L. quotes from, 473;
  L’s opinion of, 478

Bigelow, John, quoted, 303-304, 345, 359-361, 363-364, 513, 514, 546-547

Bird, Francis, W., 482

Birney, Zachariah, L’s school-master, 11

Bissell, William H., mentioned, 74-209

Bixby, Mrs., 397-398

Black Hawk War, L’s military experience in, 35-40

Blaine, James G., compares Lincoln and Douglas, 183-185

Blair, F.P., attacks Chase, 533;
  reprehended by L., 534

Blair, Montgomery, made postmaster general, 293-294;
  arming of negroes deprecated by, 436;
  residence fired, 536;
  resignation, 551

Bloomington Convention, 165-169

Bonham, Jeriah, quoted, 180, 197, 203

Boone, Daniel, 2

Booneville, Ind., L. attends court, 9, 19

Booth, Edwin, L’s enjoyment of his acting, 469

Booth, John Wilkes, assassination of L., 588-590

Boston delegation, conference with L., 482

Boutwell, George S., quoted, 437

Bowles, Samuel, quoted, 206

Brainard and Knott, quoted, 220

Breckenridge, John A., early influence on L., 9, 19

Breckenridge, John C, nominated for president, 250

Breese, Sidney, dignity, 84;
  quoted, 141

Brewster, Father, 204

Bright, John, 357

Brooklyn, L’s lecture trip, 214-215

Brooks, Senator, knocks down Sumner, 245;
  quoted, 192

Brooks, Noah P., 470;
  quoted, 171-173, 462-463, 466-467, 471, 474, 490, 491-492, 493, 543, 546;
  describes L’s last speech, 575-576

Brooks, Phillips, quoted, 478-479

Bross, John A., 538

Bross, William, first meeting with L., 170;
  interview with L., 265, 538-539

Brough, John, victorious governor of Ohio, 510;
  effort to reconcile L. and Chase, 549

Brown, John, 485

Browne, Francis Fisher, biographical sketch, v-vii

Browning, O.H., mentioned, 74-186;
  Whig debater, 89;
  inaugural party, member of, 266, 275

Browning Robert, L’s fondness for his poetry, 387

Bryan, Thomas B., purchases MS. of emancipation proclamation, 445

Bryan, William J., on L. as an orator, 473

Bryant, William Cullen,
  presided over Cooper Institute meeting, 217;
  abolitionist, 245;
  favored L. for presidency, 247-248

Buchanan, James,
  mentioned, 294, 295;
  treachery during his administration, 261-262;
  escorts L. to Capitol, 284-286;
  characterized, 291;
  escorts L. to White House, 292

Project Gutenberg
The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.