Cosmic Consciousness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about Cosmic Consciousness.

Cosmic Consciousness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about Cosmic Consciousness.

Sex is an eternal verity.  The entire Cosmos is bi-sexual.  Everything in the visible universe; in the manifest, is the result of this universal principle.  “As above so below,” is a safe rule, as far as the IDEA goes.  This hypothesis does not preclude perfection above, of that which we find below, but any radical reversion or repudiation of nature is inconceivable.

“Male and female created he them.”  This being true, male and female must they return to the source from which they sprung, completing the circle, and gaining what?

Consciousness of godhood; of completeness in counterpartal union.  Not absorption of consciousness, but union, which is quite a different idea.

Out of this counterpartal union a race of gods will be born, and these supermen, shall “inherit the earth” making it a “fit dwelling place for the gods.”

This earth is now being made fit.  This fact may seem a far distant hope if we do not judge with the eyes of the seer, but its proof lies in the emancipation of woman.  Its evidences are many and varied, but the awakening of woman is the cause.

This awakening of woman constitutes the first rays of the dawn—­that long-looked for Millenium, which many of us have regarded as a mere figure of speech, instead of as a literal truth.

The argument is not that there has been no individual awakening until the present time; but that never before in the finite history of the world has there been such a general awakening, and as it is self evident that conditions will reflect the idea of the majority, the fact that woman is being given her rightful place in the sense-conscious life, proves that the earth will be a fit dwelling place for a higher order of beings than have hitherto constituted the majority.

The numerous instances of Illumination, or cosmic consciousness which are forcing attention at the present time, prove that there is a race-awakening to a realization of our unity with Om.

Another point which we trust these pages will make clear is this:  So-called “revelation” is neither a personal “discovery,” nor any special act of a divine power.  “God spake thus and so to me,” is a phrase which the self-conscious initiate employs, because he has lost sight of the cosmic light, or because he finds it expedient to use that phraseology in delivering the message of cosmic consciousness.

If we will substitute the term “initiation,” for the term “revelation,” we will have a clearer idea of the truth.

Perhaps some of our readers will feel that the terms mean the same, but for the most part, those who have employed the word “revelation,” have used it as implying that the plan of the cosmos was unfinished, and that the Creator, having found some person suitable to convey the latest decision to mankind, natural laws had been suspended and the revelation made.

Project Gutenberg
Cosmic Consciousness from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.