Cosmic Consciousness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about Cosmic Consciousness.

Cosmic Consciousness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about Cosmic Consciousness.

Does this “flesh” mean the physical body?  Not necessarily, because this that we see and name “the physical body” is not the real body, any more than the clothing that covers it, is the person, although frequently we recognize acquaintances by their clothing.  Immortality in the flesh means cessation from further incarnations, the last and present personality including all others in consciousness, until we can say, “I, manifesting in the physical, as so-and-so, am now and forever immortal, remembering other manifestations which were not sufficiently complete, but which added to the sum of my consciousness until now I know myself a deathless being.”

To those who seek the path of Raja Yoga, we recommend meditation upon Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, of which there are several translations, differing slightly as to interpretation.  We have selected some of the most important, from the translations by Johnston.  They are designed to make clear the difference between the self of personality, and the Self, or atman which manifests in personality: 

“The personal self seeks to feast upon life, through a failure to perceive the distinction between the personal self and the spiritual man.  All personal experience really exists for the sake of another:  namely, the spiritual man.  By perfectly concentrated meditation on experience for the sake of the Self, comes a knowledge of the spiritual man.”

The wise person seeks experience in order that he may attain to the standard of the spiritual man; doing all things for the lessons that they teach; working “as those work who are ambitious,” and yet having no personal ambition.  Looking on all life, and at the self of personality and knowing the illusion of the self he is raising the personal self to the spiritual plane; but always he has the handicap of the desires of the lower self, the personal, which “seeks to feast on life,” because it is born of the external, and its inherent appetites are for the satisfaction and pleasures of that physical self.

We do not say to look upon the body with its needs and its desires, as an enemy to be overcome; or that its allurements are dangerous although pleasurable.  No.  We say to the student, “control the desires of the body.  Make them do the bidding of the Self, because it is only by so doing that you can gain the immortal heights of god-hood, looking down upon the fleeting dream of personality, with its so-called pleasures, as a bad nightmare compared to the joys that await the immortals.”

Therefore, concentrate upon experience for the sake of the Self that you are, and learn the lesson of your experience, throwing aside the experience itself, as you would cast aside the skin of an orange from which the juice had been extracted.  Don’t fill the areas of your mortal mind with rubbish—­with memories of “benefits forgot;” or loves unrequited; or friendships broken; or misspent hours; or unhallowed words and acts.

Project Gutenberg
Cosmic Consciousness from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.