Kitty Trenire eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about Kitty Trenire.

Kitty Trenire eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about Kitty Trenire.

Fanny’s voice rose more and more shrilly.  Poor Kitty’s head by this time was aching badly, and her nerves were all on edge.  “Fanny, what is the matter?” she asked despairingly.  “What has happened while we’ve been away?  I thought we were coming home to a nice comfortable meal and a happy evening, and when we drive up the house is all dark, and the rain beating in at the windows.  Emily is in a fury, and—­and oh it is all so miserable.  I—­I’d rather be out alone on the downs in the storm without any home at all, or—­or—­” Here Kitty’s voice faltered, and once more the tears brimmed up in her eyes—­a most unusual occurrence with her; but the events of the day, the storm, and the difficulties that beset her, were proving too much for her.

Fanny, hearing the break in her voice, looked round quickly, just in time to see the tears, the white, tired face, and the look of dejection.  “Why, Miss Kitty,” she cried, her soft heart touched at once, “don’t ’ee take it like that.  Why, ’tisn’t nothing to fret about; it’ll all come right again, my dear,” and she put her big red arm round her little mistress, and drew her head down to rest on her shoulder.  But Kitty, completely overcome now, shook her head mournfully.

“No, it won’t, Fanny; it is too late now.  Aunt Pike is to come and live here to look after us.  Father says we must have some one, and—­and I think he is right.  I don’t seem able to manage things, everything goes just as I don’t want it to,” and the tears brimmed over again and fell on Fanny’s shoulder.

“Mrs. Pike!” gasped Fanny.  “Mrs.—­Pike—­coming here—­for good!  Oh my!  Miss Kitty, you don’t really mean it!”

“Yes, I do,” groaned Kitty.  “It is really true.  Father has written to her, and—­oh I never dreamed such a thing could happen, or I would have tried and tried to be more careful.  It must be fate, though, as well as our bad managing, for I’ve never before known Jabez post a letter when he was told to; but he must have gone right down to the post at once with the one to Aunt Pike that sealed all our fates.  If he hadn’t I do believe I could have got father not to send it, or at least to give us another chance.”

Fanny shook her head solemnly.  “It do seem like it,” she groaned.

“What has happened while I have been out, Fanny?  Has Betty been rude to Emily?”

“Well, you see, Miss Kitty,” said Fanny, anxious to tell, but softened sufficiently to wish to make the best of the matter, “Miss Betty is so tackless.  Emily’s temper really wasn’t so bad till Miss Betty kep’ on with her.  So soon as Emily had put the things on the table for supper, Miss Betty ’d bring them all out again one by one, and put them down before Emily, and every time she’d say, in that way she’s got, ’Emily, that glass is filthy; you must wash it at once.  I wonder you ain’t ashamed to lay the things in such a state.’  When she brought out the third lot Emily got mad, and when Miss Betty come out with the forks too—­well, the storm bursted.  Emily was cheeky, I don’t deny, and Miss Betty was rude, and I had to tell ’em at last that they must go out of the kitchen if they was likely to go on like that.  I wasn’t going to have my place turned into a bear-garden.”

Project Gutenberg
Kitty Trenire from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.