The Book of the Epic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 595 pages of information about The Book of the Epic.

The Book of the Epic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 595 pages of information about The Book of the Epic.

Meanwhile the Cid, leaving Alcocer, had taken up his abode on the hill near Medina, which still bears his name.  Thence he proceeded to the forest of Tebar, where he again fought so successfully against the Moors that he compelled the city of Saragossa to pay tribute to him.  Rumors of these triumphs enticed hundreds of Castilian knights to join him, and with their aid he outwitted all the attempts the Moors made to regain their lost possessions.  We are also told that in one of these battles the Cid took prisoner Don Ramon, who refused to eat until free.  Seeing this, the Cid took his sword, Colada, and promised to set him and his kinsmen free if they would only eat enough to have strength to depart.  Although doubtful whether this promise would be kept, Don Ramon and his follows partook of food and rode away, constantly turning their heads to make sure that they were not pursued.

  He spurred his steed, but, as he rode, a backward glance he bent,
  Still fearing to the last my Cid his promise would repent: 
  A thing, the world itself to win, my Cid would not have done: 
  No perfidy was ever found in him, the Perfect One.

As some of his subjects were sorely persecuted by the Moors, Alfonso now sent word to the Cid to punish them, a task the hero promised to perform, provided the king would pledge himself never again to banish a man without giving him thirty days’ notice, and to make sundry other wise reforms in his laws.  Having thus secured inestimable boons for his fellow-countrymen, the Cid proceeded to besiege sundry Moorish castles, all of which he took, winning thereby much booty.  Having thus served his monarch, the Cid was recalled in triumph to Castile, where he was told to keep all he had won from the Moors.  In return the Cid helped Alfonso to secure Toledo, seeing the king with whom this king had sworn alliance was now dead.  It was while the siege of this city was taking place that Bishop Jerome was favored by a vision of St. Isidro, who predicted they would take the city, a promise verified in 1085, when the Cid’s was the first Christian banner to float above its walls.  Our hero now became governor of this town, but, although he continued to wage war against the Moors, his successes had made the courtiers so jealous that they induced the king to imprison Ximena and her daughters.

Perceiving he was no longer in favor at court, the Cid haughtily withdrew, and, when Alfonso came down into Valencia, demanding that the cities which had hitherto paid tribute to his subject should now do so to him, the Cid retaliated by invading Alfonso’s realm.  None of the courtiers daring to oppose him, Alfonso had cause bitterly to repent of what he had done, and humbly assured his powerful subject he would never molest him again.  Ever ready to forgive an ungrateful master, the Cid withdrew, and for a time king and subject lived in peace.

Although the Cid had permitted the Moors to remain in the cities he had conquered, they proved rather restive under the Christian yoke, and guided by Abeniaf finally told the Moors in Northern Africa that if they would only cross the sea they would deliver Valencia into their hands.  But this conspiracy soon became known to the Moors who favored the Cid, and they immediately notified him, holding their town which was in dire peril for twelve days.

Project Gutenberg
The Book of the Epic from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.