The Book of the Epic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 595 pages of information about The Book of the Epic.

The Book of the Epic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 595 pages of information about The Book of the Epic.

29th Adventure. Although the three royal brothers accompany Kriemhild into the palace, Hagen lingers at the door, and, inviting the minstrel Volker to sit on the bench beside him, confides to him his fears, entreating him to stand by him, and promising to do the same in his behalf should the need occur.

  “Tell me now, friend Volker, will you stand me by,
  If these men of Kriemhild’s would my mettle try? 
  Show me, if you love me, faithful friend and true! 
  And when you need my service I’ll do as much for you.”

On seeing her foe so close at hand, Kriemhild summons four hundred warriors, and bids them attack Hagen, for at present he is the only one against whom she has sinister designs.  To prove to the men that Hagen is guilty, she offers to meet and question her foe in their presence.  On seeing her coming, Volker suggests they rise in token of respect, but Hagen grimly rejoins Kriemhild would merely take such politeness as a proof of weakness.  Instead of rising, he therefore ostentatiously lays Siegfried’s sword across his lap.  After taunting Hagen with slaying her husband,—­a charge he does not deny,—­Kriemhild orders her men to slay him, but a single glance of his fiery eyes sends them back cringing, and the queen cannot prevail upon them to renew the attack.  Seeing this, Volker and Hagen boldly join their friends in the banquet-hall, where Etzel—­who is depicted as an inoffensive, unsuspicious old man—­cordially bids them welcome.

30th Adventure. On their way to their sleeping quarters that night, the Burgundians are jostled by some Huns, who, instigated by Kriemhild, are evidently seeking to provoke a quarrel.  In spite of their efforts, however, the Burgundians reach their dormitory in safety, where Hagen and Volker watch all night at the door to guard against surprise.  It is well for them they do so, because at midnight Kriemhild dispatches a force to attack them, but again the Huns shrink away appalled on meeting Hagen’s menacing glance.

31st Adventure. At dawn the Burgundians, still fully armed, march off to church, and after service proceed with the king and queen to view a tournament held in their honor.  In these games Rudiger and Dietrich both refuse to take part, lest an accident should occur.  Their previsions are justified, for, when Volker inadvertently slays a Hun, Kriemhild loudly clamors for vengeance, although her husband implores that peace be maintained.  Fomented by Kriemhild’s secret efforts, such bad feelings have arisen among the Huns against their guests, that Etzel’s own brother finally undertakes to compass their death.  Meantime the old king, having invited the Burgundians to a banquet, is surprised to see the princes arrive fully armed, but tries to show his friendship by promising they shall bring up his son.

Project Gutenberg
The Book of the Epic from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.