The Argonautica eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 237 pages of information about The Argonautica.

The Argonautica eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 237 pages of information about The Argonautica.

Minois, daughter of Minos, Ariadne III, 908; IV, 433

Minos, king of Crete, III, 1000, 1098, 1100, 1107; IV, 1491

Minyan, of Minyas, IV, 117

Minyans, the Argonauts, I, 229, 709, 1055; II, 97; III, 578; IV, 338, 509,
    595, 1074, 1220, 1364, 1456, 1500

Minyas, son of Aeolus, I, 230; III, 1093, 1094

Mopsus, son of Ampycus, an Argonaut, I, 65, 80, 1083, 1086, 1106; II,
    923; III, 543, 916, 938; IV, 1502, 1518

Mossynoeci, a people of Pontus, II, 379, 1016, 1117

Mycenaeans, I, 128

Myrine, a city of Lemnos, I, 604, 634

Myrmidon, father of Eupolemeia, I, 55

Myrmidons, old inhabitants of Aegina, IV, 1772

Myrtilus, charioteer of Oenomaus, I, 755

Myrtosian height, in Libya, II, 505

Mysian, I, 1115, 1349; II, 766: 
  as subst. in plur., I, 1164, 1179, 1298, 1322, 1345; II, 781,
    786; IV, 1472

Narex, a mouth of the river Ister, IV, 312

Nasamon, a Libyan, IV, 1496

Naubolides, son of Naubolus Clytoneus, I, 134

Naubolus, (1) son of Lernus, I, 135: 
  (2) son of Ornytus, I, 203

Naupliades, son of Nauplius, Proetus, I, 136

Nauplius (1) son of Poseidon, I, 138: 
  (2) son of Clytoneus, an Argonaut, I, 134; II, 896

Nausithous, king of the Phaeacians before Alcinous, IV, 539, 547, 550

Neleidae, descendants of Neleus, I, 959

Neleis, daughter of Neleus, Pero, I, 120

Neleus, king of Pylos, I, 156, 158

Nepeian plain, near Cyzicus, I, 1116

Nereides, daughters of Nereus, IV, 844, 859, 930

Nereus, a sea-god, I, 1311; IV, 772, 1599, 1743

Nestaeans, a people of Illyria, IV, 1215

Nestian lands, in Illyria, IV, 337

Nisaeans, II, 747, 847

Nycteus, a king, father of Antiope, IV, 1090

Nymphaea, the island of Calypso, IV, 574

Nyseian, of Nysa, epithet of Dionysus, II, 905, 1214; IV, 431, 1134

Nyx, the goddess Night, III, 1193; IV, 630, 1059

Oaxus, a river of Crete, I, 1131

Oceanis, daughter of Oceanus, (1) Eurynome, I, 504: 
  (2) Philyra, II, 1239

Oceanus, I, 506; III, 244, 957, 1230; IV, 282, 632, 638, 1414

Oeagrus, father of Orpheus, I, 25, 570; II, 703; IV, 905, 1193

Oechalia, a city of Euboea, I, 87

Oeneides, son of Oeneus, Meleagrus, I, 190, 1046; III, 518

Oeneus, I, 192, 193

Oenoe, (1) an island in the Aegaean, I, 623: 
  (2) a nymph, I, 626

Oenomaus, I, 756

Ogygian, epithet of Thebes, III, 1178

Oileus, an Argonaut, I, 74; II, 1037

Olenian, of Olenus, a city in Aetolia, I, 202

Olympian, IV, 95

Olympus, (1) a mountain in Thessaly, I, 598: 
  (2) the abode of the gods, I, 504, 1099; II, 300, 603, 1232; III, 113,
    159, 1358; IV, 770, 781

Project Gutenberg
The Argonautica from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.