The Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony: Responses from Men eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about The Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony.

The Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony: Responses from Men eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about The Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony.

The Eleventh Comfort of Cuckoldom.

When I found Cuckolds to Encrease apace,
I Marry’d one with such an Ugly Face
That one wou’d thought the Devil wou’d but grotch
So foul a Figure as my Wife to touch;
Yet being at a Friendly Club one Night,
A Raskal came and Cuckol’d me for spight.

The Twelfth Comfort of Cuckoldom.

What signifies a Man to fret and fume,
Till Grief and Sorrow makes his Flesh consume
Because his Wife in Actions may be light
And to his Face will horn him Day and Night;
This Comfort may alleviate his Woe,
That Cuckold’s without doubt to Heaven go.

The Thirteenth Comfort of Cuckoldom.

        If it’s my Fate (I oftentimes would cry)
        To have a Wife that will play wantonly,
        I soon wou’d tame her, or at least I shou’d
        Be Hang’d for her but I wou’d make her good. 
        But faith it is my Luck to light upon
        Such Ware, that will a Caterwoulling run,
        And cannot help it, for to have her full
        Of sport, she’s run away a Soldiers Trull.

The Fourteenth Comfort of Cuckoldom.

        When at Horn-Fair I see how ev’ry Year
        Whole droves of Cuckold’s thither do appear
        The very sight thereof wou’d make one swear
        That none but Cuckolds in the Nation were;
        Especially if those who are not known,
        For Cuckolds too the Title wou’d but own,
        And such as are not summon’d would appear,
        In those Accoutrements we ought to wear,
        Which are our Horns, a Pick Axe and a Spade,
        That Paths may for our Wives be even laid.

The Fifteenth Comfort of Cuckledom.

If that our wives will tick their Souls on Sin,
Tis vain to make about their Ears a din,
For that exasperates their will the more,
And where in private may in publick Whore;
So then the Scandal coming to all Ears,
Each Neighbour will not only fling his Jeers
Upon us, but the Boys will hoot it too,
And point their Fingers at us where we go,
As if we were not come of human Blood,
Because they do perceive we’ve Horns to bud;
But to avoid so base and curst a Life,
The only way’s to Live without a wife.


* * * * *

Wanton Wife: 


The FOOL Well Fitted.

Dedicated to the London-Cuckolds.


Printed in the Year 1707

Wanton WIFE, _&c._

The First Comfort.

Project Gutenberg
The Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony: Responses from Men from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.