The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 331 pages of information about The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature.

The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 331 pages of information about The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature.
you ascribe to them; it is not true that they have introduced into the world new and unknown virtues:  for example, the equality of men in the sight of God,—­that fraternity and that benevolence which follow from it, were formal doctrines of the sect of the Hermatics or Samaneans,* from whom you descend.  As to the forgiveness of injuries, the Pagans themselves had taught it; but in the extent that you give it, far from being a virtue, it becomes an immorality, a vice.  Your so much boasted precept of turning one cheek after the other, is not only contrary to every sentiment of man, but is opposed to all ideas of justice.  It emboldens the wicked by impunity, debases the virtuous by servility, delivers up the world to despotism and tyranny, and dissolves all society.  Such is the true spirit of your doctrines.  Your gospels in their precepts and their parables, never represent God but as a despot without any rules of equity; a partial father treating a debauched and prodigal son with more favor than his respectful and virtuous children; a capricious master, who gives the same wages to workmen who had wrought but one hour, as to those who had labored through the whole day; one who prefers the last comers to the first.  The moral is everywhere misanthropic and antisocial; it disgusts men with life and with society; and tends only to encourage hermitism and celibacy.

* The equality of mankind in a state of nature and in the eyes of God was one of the principal tenets of the Samaneans, and they appear to be the only ancients that entertained this opinion.

“As to the manner in which you have practised these morals, we appeal in our turn to the testimony of facts.  We ask whether it is this evangelical meekness which has excited your interminable wars between your sects, your atrocious persecutions of pretended heretics, your crusades against Arianism, Manicheism, Protestantism, without speaking of your crusades against us, and of those sacrilegious associations, still subsisting, of men who take an oath to continue them?* We ask you whether it be gospel charity which has made you exterminate whole nations in America, to annihilate the empires of Mexico and Peru; which makes you continue to dispeople Africa and sell its inhabitants like cattle, notwithstanding your abolition of slavery; which makes you ravage India and usurp its dominions; and whether it be the same charity which, for three centuries past, has led you to harrass the habitations of the people of three continents, of whom the most prudent, the Chinese and Japanese, were constrained to drive you off, that they might escape your chains and recover their internal peace?”

     * The oath taken by the knights of the Order of Malta, is to
     kill, or make the Mahometans prisoners, for the glory of

Here the Bramins, the Rabbins, the Bonzes, the Chamans, the Priests of the Molucca islands, and the coasts of Guinea, loading the Christian doctors with reproaches:  “Yes!” cried they, “these men are robbers and hypocrites, who preach simplicity, to surprise confidence; humility, to enslave with more ease; poverty, to appropriate all riches to themselves.  They promise another world, the better to usurp the present; and while they speak to you of tolerance and charity, they burn, in the name of God, the men who do not worship him in their manner.”

Project Gutenberg
The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.