Charles Rex eBook

Ethel May Dell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Charles Rex.

Charles Rex eBook

Ethel May Dell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Charles Rex.

“My girl!” he said softly.  “My own girl!”

She clasped him round the neck, laying her head against him without words.

“Tired?” he said.

“No—­no—­not really!  Too happy to complain anyway.”  She spoke in a whisper as if unwilling to break her silence.

“You want more help,” he said.

She lifted her face and kissed his neck.  “No, Jake dear.  I don’t want the children taken out of my hands entirely.  Whatever should I do without them?”

“Look after me for a change,” suggested Jake.

She laughed a muffled laugh with her lips raised to his.  “Do I neglect you, Jake?”

“No,” he said.  “You’re the best wife a man ever had.  I believe I’m first with you—­even now.”

“Always—­always first,” she whispered against the lips that pressed her own.

He held her very closely to him for a space in silence.  He had loved her with a fiery worship from the first moment of their meeting, but the wealth of her answering love still filled his soul with wonder.  Over and over again he would tell himself that he was not her sort, but when he held her thus throbbing against his heart, he knew beyond all questioning that they were one.

“You haven’t told me a single thing about today’s meeting,” she murmured presently.

Jake began to smile.  “On my soul I had forgotten all about it.  Prince Charlie has gained his first laurels.  He won by two and a half lengths.”

“Oh, Jake, how splendid!  How proud you must be!  I’m tremendously glad.  And what about Charlie?  Was he there to see his namesake carry all before him?”

“Saltash, do you mean?  Yes, he was there.”  Jake’s tone was somewhat dry.

Maud drew back a little to look at him.  “I hope you asked him to dine,” she said.

“Oh yes,” said Jake, with a touch of grimness.  “Bunny saw to that on your behalf.  He considers—­and with reason—­that you have a right to ask whoever you like to your own house.”

“Jake!” Maud suddenly sat upright, her eyes burning like stars.  “If Bunny said that—­”

“He didn’t,” said Jake.

“Or hinted it even—­it was perfectly hateful of him!  I shall go and tell him so!”

Maud made as if she would release herself from his hold, but he restrained her.

“No—­no, my girl!  You keep calm!  I can hold my own with Bunny, and he didn’t mean any harm.  I asked Saltash all right, and he’s coming.”

“Against your will,” said Maud.

“No.  Against my judgment, maybe.  Not against my will.  I’ve no objection to entertaining him if you wish it.  You and I don’t quarrel over trifles like Saltash.”

Jake’s tone was humorously tender.  He patted her flushed cheek in a conciliatory fashion.  She turned very swiftly and kissed his hand.

“Thank you, Jake—­darling.  But—­you are master in this house, remember.  No one enters it without your consent.”

Project Gutenberg
Charles Rex from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.