The Authoritative Life of General William Booth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 443 pages of information about The Authoritative Life of General William Booth.

The Authoritative Life of General William Booth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 443 pages of information about The Authoritative Life of General William Booth.
“Life is favorable to activity.  It is so with all life.  Go into the tropical forests, and see the exuberant growth of everything there.  Look at the foliage, the blossom, the fruit.  Look at the reptiles crawling at your feet, and take care they do not sting you.  Look at the birds chattering and fluttering on the trees, and they will charm you.  Look at the animals roving through the woods, and take care they do not devour you.

     “Contrast all this movement with the empty, barren, silent, Polar
     regions, or the dreary, treeless sands of the African desert.

“Go and look at the overflowing, tirelss activity of the children.  Why are they never still?  It is the life that is in them.  Go to the man at work.  With what glee, and for what a trifling remuneration, he sweats, and lifts and carries the ponderous weights.  Go to the soldier in the military war.  How he shouts and sings as he marches to deprivations, and wounds, and death.
“Even so with Spiritual Life.  It never rests; it never tires; it always sees something great to do, and is always ready to undertake it.  What is the explanation?  How can we account for it?  The answer is, Life—­abundant life.

     “It is only by the possession of Life that The Salvation Army
     Officer can spread this life.

     “That is, reproduce himself, multiply himself, or his kind.  This
     reproduction or multiplication of itself is a characteristic of all

“Take the vegetable kingdom.  Every living plant has life-producing seed, or some method of reproducing itself.  The thistle:  who can count the number of plants that one thistle can produce in a year?  One hundred strawberry plants can be made in ten years to produce more than a thousand million other strawberry plants!
“Take the animal kingdom.  Here each living creature has this reproductive power.  They say that a pair of sparrows would in ten years, if all their progeny could be preserved, produce as many birds as there are people on the earth—­that is, 1,500,000,000.  ’Ye are of more value than many sparrows.’

     “Just so, this Spiritual Life is intended to spread itself through
     the world.

“It is to this end it is given to you.  God’s command to Adam was, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.’  How much more does this command apply to you and to me!  You are to be progenitors of a world of men and women possessed of Spiritual Life; the parents of a race of angels.  How this is to be done is another question.  About that I shall have something to say as we go along.  For the moment, I am simply occupied with the fact that you have to call this world of holy beings into existence by spreading this life.
“Every Officer here is located in a world of death.  Sometimes we style it a dying world, and so it is on its human side, but
Project Gutenberg
The Authoritative Life of General William Booth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.