The Authoritative Life of General William Booth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 443 pages of information about The Authoritative Life of General William Booth.

The Authoritative Life of General William Booth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 443 pages of information about The Authoritative Life of General William Booth.
“The Salvation of General Booth is the true Salvation—­the Salvation of regeneration, and the world’s thinkers are surely recognising the fact that The Salvation Army is a factor to be reckoned with.  General Booth and his people have succeeded when all others have failed.”

The Rhodesia Herald, of Salisbury, said:—­

“General Booth has well been called the Grand Old Man of The Salvation Army, for undoubtedly it is his remarkable personality and fierce energy which has made The Army what it is to-day, and has enabled it to do a work which no other religious organisation has attempted to do on anything like the same scale, and to reach a section of the people who remained untouched by the more orthodox methods of other bodies.  It is not so very many years ago that branches of The Army in many towns in the United Kingdom were striving to make headway against most determined opposition—­opposition employing methods of which the authors soon became heartily ashamed.  Yet to-day, the different branches of The Army are doing their work, not only unmolested, but helped and encouraged by all classes of the community.  And this because The Army has wrung recognition by transparent honesty of purpose, and unceasing efforts to help those most in need of help and encouragement.  As the aged General put it on his arrival in Johannesburg, the Organisation of which he is the mainspring has set before itself the task of giving a helping hand to the very poor, those who are without friends, and those who have fallen in the battle of life.”

The members of the Cape Town and district Evangelical Church Council in their address to General William Booth, D.C.L., said:—­

     “We have been deeply touched by the energy, the wisdom, and the
     consecration with which you carry on your work at a period of life
     when most men have retired from active service.

“We would join with our brethren of the Christian Churches throughout the world in assuring you of our admiration, mixed with our wonder, at the success which has attended your labours for the Salvation of the most helpless and degraded members of our race.
“Hand in hand with your efforts for the Salvation of the souls of the fallen have gone a true Christlike care for the bodies of the unfortunate, and an attempt to stem the current of social evil and degeneracy.
“We are deeply interested in your experiments in colonising those parts of our Empire which are at present sparsely populated, and thus relieving the tension of social problems in the larger cities of Great Britain, and that congestion of population which is a fruitful source of individual and of social degradation.
“We trust your visit to South Africa may result in the settlement in the rich lands now untilled of a population, which by its industry, thrift, and character will compare with those of Canada,
Project Gutenberg
The Authoritative Life of General William Booth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.