The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 431 pages of information about The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London.

The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 431 pages of information about The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London.

II.  What probability or possibility of tyranny in the presbyterial government?  For, 1.  Who should tyrannize, what persons, what ruling assemblies?  Not the ministers; for, hitherto they have given no just cause of any suspicion, since this government was in hand:  and they are counterpoised in all assemblies with a plurality of ruling elders, it being already studiously[3] provided that there be always two ruling elders to one minister:  if there be still two to one, how should they tyrannize if they would?  Neither ministers nor ruling elders are likely to tyrannize, if due care be taken by them, whom it doth concern, to elect, place, and appoint, conscientious, prudent, and gracious ministers and ruling elders over all congregations.  Nor yet the ruling assemblies, lesser or greater; for in the presbyterial government all lesser ruling assemblies (though now at first, perhaps, some of them consisting of more weak and less experienced members) are subordinate to the greater authoritatively; and persons aggrieved by any mal-administrations have liberty to appeal from inferior to superior:  and the very national assembly itself, though not properly subordinate, yet is it to be responsible to the supreme political magistracy in all their proceedings so far as subjects and members of the commonwealth.

III.  How can they tyrannize over any?  Or in what respects?  Not over their estates:  for they claim no secular power at all over men’s estates, by fines, penalties, forfeitures, or confiscations.  Not over their bodies, for they inflict no corporal punishment, by banishment, imprisonment, branding, slitting, cropping, striking, whipping, dismembering, or killing.  Not over their souls; for, them they desire by this government to gain, Matth. xviii. 15; to edify, 2 Cor. x. 8, and xiii. 10; and to save, 1 Cor. v. 5.  Only this government ought to be impartial and severe against sin, that the flesh may be destroyed, 1 Cor. v. 5.  It is only destructive to corruption, which is deadly and destructive to the soul.  Thus the imputation itself of arbitrary conduct and tyranny to the presbyterial government is unjust and groundless.

II.  The pretended ground of this aspersion is false and frivolous.  The presbyters of the Assembly of Divines, and others (Diotrephes-like, affecting pre-eminence) have desired an unlimited power, according to their own prudence and judgment, in keeping men from the ordinances in cases of scandal not enumerated. Ans. 1.  The presbyters of the Assembly and others, are so far from the domineering humor of Diotrephes, that they could gladly and heartily have quitted all intermeddling in church government, if Jesus Christ had not by office engaged them thereto; only to have dispensed the word and sacraments would have procured them less hatred, and more case. 2.  They desired liberty to keep from the ordinances, not only persons guilty of the scandals enumerated, but of all such like scandals, (and to judge which

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The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.