The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 431 pages of information about The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London.

The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 431 pages of information about The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London.

The end or scope intended by Christ in instituting, and to be aimed at by Christ’s officers in executing of church government in dispensing the word, sacrament, censures, and all ordinances of Christ, is (as the description expresseth) the edifying of the Church of Christ.  This end is very comprehensive.  For the fuller evidencing whereof these two things are to be proved:1st, That Jesus Christ our Mediator hath under the New Testament one general visible Church on earth. 2d.  That the edification of this Church of Christ is that eminent scope and end why Christ gave the power of church government and other ordinances unto the Church.

I. For the first, that Jesus Christ our Mediator hath under the New Testament a general visible Church on earth, made up of all particular churches, may be cleared by considering well these particulars.

1st.  That it is evident by the Scriptures that Jesus Christ hath on earth many particular visible churches:  (whether churches congregational, presbyterial, provincial, or national, needs not here be determined.) “Unto the churches of Galatia,” Gal. i. 2.  “The churches of Judea,” Gal. i. 22.  “Through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches,” Acts xv. 41.  “To the seven churches in Asia,” Rev. i. 4, 20.  “The church of Ephesus,” Rev. ii. 1.  “The church in Smyrna,” ver. 8.  “The church in Pergamus,” ver. 12.  “The church in Thyatira,” ver. 18.  “The church in Sardis,” Rev. iii. 1.  “The church in Philadelphia,” ver. 7.  And “the church in Laodicea,” ver. 14.  “The church that is in their house,” Rom. xvi. 5; and Philem. 2.  “Let your women keep silence in the church,” 1 Cor. xiv. 34.  “All the churches of the Gentiles,” Rom. xvi. 4.  “So ordain I in all churches,” 1 Cor. vii. 17.  “As in all churches of the saints,” 1 Cor. xiv. 33.  “The care of all the churches,” 2 Cor. xi. 28.  The New Testament hath many such like expressions.

2d.  That how many particular visible churches soever Christ hath on earth, yet Scripture counts them all to be but one general visible Church of Christ.  This is manifest,

1.  By divers Scriptures, using the word church in such a full latitude and extensive completeness, as properly to signify, not any one single congregation, or particular church, but one general visible Church:  as, “Upon this rock I will build my Church,” Matt. xvi. 18.  “Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Greeks, nor to the Church of God,” 1 Cor. x. 32.  “God hath set some in the Church, first, apostles; secondarily, prophets; thirdly, teachers,” &c., 1 Cor. xii. 28.  “I persecuted the Church of God,” 1 Cor. xv. 9; Gal. i. 13.  “The Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth,” 1 Tim. iii. 15.  “Might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God,” Eph. iii. 10.  “In the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto thee,” Heb. ii. 12.  In which, and such like places, we must needs understand, that one general visible Church of Christ.

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The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.