African and European Addresses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about African and European Addresses.

African and European Addresses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about African and European Addresses.

“The World Movement,” the address at the University of Berlin, was the first of two distinctively academic, or scholastic utterances, the other, of course, being the Romanes lecture.  The Sorbonne speech was almost purely sociological and ethical.  There are, to be sure, social and moral applications made of the theories laid down at Berlin and at Oxford; but these two university addresses are distinctly for a university audience.  My own judgment is that the Sorbonne and Guildhall addresses were more effective in their human interest and their immediate political influence.  But at both Berlin and Oxford, Mr. Roosevelt showed that he could deal with scholarly subjects in a scholarly fashion.  It may be that he desired on these two occasions to give some indication that, although universally regarded as a man of action, he is entitled also to be considered as a man of thought.  The lecture at the University of Berlin was a brilliant and picturesque academic celebration in which doctors’ gowns, military uniforms, and the somewhat bizarre dress of the representatives of the undergraduate student corps, mingled in kaleidoscopic effect.  One interesting feature of the ceremony was the singing by a finely trained student chorus without instrumental accompaniment, of Hail Columbia and The Star-Spangled Banner, harmonized as only the Germans can harmonize choral music.  The Emperor and the Empress, with several members of the Imperial family, attended the lecture.  Those who sat near the Emperor could see that he followed the address with genuine interest, nodding his head, or smiling now and then with approval at some incisively expressed idea, or some phrase of interjected humor, or a characteristic gesture on the part of the speaker.  In one respect the lecture was a tour de force.  On account of a sharp attack of bronchitis, from which he was then recovering, it was not decided by the physicians in charge until the morning of the lecture that Mr. Roosevelt could use his voice for one hour in safety.  Arrangements had been made to have some one else read the lecture if at the last moment it should be necessary; and the fact that Mr. Roosevelt was able to do it himself effectively under these circumstances indicates that he has some of the physical as well as the intellectual attributes of the practised orator.

Mr. Roosevelt’s first public speech in England was made at the University of Cambridge on May 26th when he received the honorary degree of LL.D.  His address on this occasion was not, like the Romanes lecture at Oxford, a part of the academic ceremony connected with the conferring of the honorary degree.  It was spoken to an audience of undergraduates when, after the academic exercises in the Senate House, he was elected to honorary membership in the Union Society, the well-known Cambridge debating club which has trained some of the best public speakers of England.  At Oxford the doctors and dignitaries cracked the

Project Gutenberg
African and European Addresses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.