Thet I felt some stuck up is wut it’s
nat’ral to suppose,
When poppylar enthusiasm hed furnished
me sech clo’es;
(Ner ‘t ain’t without edvantiges,
this kin’ o’ suit, ye see,
It’s water-proof, an’ water’s
wut I like kep’ out o’ me;)
But nut content with thet, they took a
kerridge from the fence
An’ rid me roun’ to see the
place, entirely free ’f expense,
With forty-’leven new kines o’
sarse without no charge acquainted me,
Gi’ me three cheers, an’ vowed
thet I wuz all their fahncy painted me;
They treated me to all their eggs; (they
keep ’em, I should think,
Fer sech ovations, pooty long, for they
wuz mos’ distinc’;)
They starred me thick ’z the Milky-Way
with indiscrim’nit cherity,
For wut we call reception eggs air sunthin’
of a rerity;
Green ones is plentifle anough, skurce
wuth a nigger’s getherin’,
But your dead-ripe ones ranges high fer
treatin’ Nothun bretherin:
A spotteder, ringstreakeder child the’
warn’t in Uncle Sam’s
Holl farm,—a cross of striped
pig an’ one o’ Jacob’s lambs;
‘T wuz Dannil in the lions’
den, new an’ enlarged edition,
An’ everythin’ fust-rate o’
‘ts kind, the’ warn’t no impersition.
People’s impulsiver down here than
wut our folks to home be,
An’ kin’ o’ go it ‘ith
a resh in raisin’ Hail Columby:
Thet’s so: an’
they swarmed out like bees, for your real Southun
Time isn’t o’ much more account
than an ole settin’ hen’s;
(They jest work semioccashnally, or else
don’t work at all,
An’ so their time an’ ’tention
both air et saci’ty’s call.)
Talk about hospitality! wut Nothun town
d’ ye know
Would take a totle stranger up an’
treat him gratis so?
You’d better b’lieve ther’
‘s nothin’ like this spendin’ days
Along ‘ith a dependent race fer
civerlizin’ whites.
But this wuz all prelim’nary; it’s
so Gran’ Jurors here
Fin’ a true bill, a hendier way
than ourn, an’ nut so dear;
So arter this they sentenced me, to make
all tight ‘n’ snug,
Afore a reg’lar court o’ law,
to ten years in the Jug.
I didn’ make no gret defence:
you don’t feel much like speakin’,
When, ef you let your clamshells gape,
a quart o’ tar will leak in:
I hev hearn tell o’ winged
words, but pint o’ fact it tethers
The spoutin’ gift to hev your words
tu thick sot on with feathers,
An’ Choate ner Webster wouldn’t
ha’ made an A 1 kin’ o’ speech,
Astride a Southun chestnut horse sharper
’n a baby’s screech.
Two year ago they ketched the thief, ‘n’
seein’ I wuz innercent,
They jest oncorked an’ le’
me run, an’ in my stid the sinner sent
To see how he liked pork ‘n’
pone flavored with wa’nut saplin’,
An’ nary social priv’ledge
but a one-hoss, starn-wheel chaplin.
When I come out, the folks behaved mos’
gen’manly an’ harnsome;