The Seven Poor Travellers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 48 pages of information about The Seven Poor Travellers.
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The Seven Poor Travellers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 48 pages of information about The Seven Poor Travellers.

She shook her head, and in a little while he fell asleep, she still holding his hand, and soothing him.

From that time, he recovered.  Slowly, for he had been desperately wounded in the head, and had been shot in the body, but making some little advance every day.  When he had gained sufficient strength to converse as he lay in bed, he soon began to remark that Mrs. Taunton always brought him back to his own history.  Then he recalled his preserver’s dying words, and thought, “It comforts her.”

One day he awoke out of a sleep, refreshed, and asked her to read to him.  But the curtain of the bed, softening the light, which she always drew back when he awoke, that she might see him from her table at the bedside where she sat at work, was held undrawn; and a woman’s voice spoke, which was not hers.

“Can you bear to see a stranger?” it said softly.  “Will you like to see a stranger?”

“Stranger!” he repeated.  The voice awoke old memories, before the days of Private Richard Doubledick.

“A stranger now, but not a stranger once,” it said in tones that thrilled him.  “Richard, dear Richard, lost through so many years, my name—­”

He cried out her name, “Mary,” and she held him in her arms, and his head lay on her bosom.

“I am not breaking a rash vow, Richard.  These are not Mary Marshall’s lips that speak.  I have another name.”

She was married.

“I have another name, Richard.  Did you ever hear it?”


He looked into her face, so pensively beautiful, and wondered at the smile upon it through her tears.

“Think again, Richard.  Are you sure you never heard my altered name?”


“Don’t move your head to look at me, dear Richard.  Let it lie here, while I tell my story.  I loved a generous, noble man; loved him with my whole heart; loved him for years and years; loved him faithfully, devotedly; loved him without hope of return; loved him, knowing nothing of his highest qualities—­not even knowing that he was alive.  He was a brave soldier.  He was honoured and beloved by thousands of thousands, when the mother of his dear friend found me, and showed me that in all his triumphs he had never forgotten me.  He was wounded in a great battle.  He was brought, dying, here, into Brussels.  I came to watch and tend him, as I would have joyfully gone, with such a purpose, to the dreariest ends of the earth.  When he knew no one else, he knew me.  When he suffered most, he bore his sufferings barely murmuring, content to rest his head where your rests now.  When he lay at the point of death, he married me, that he might call me Wife before he died.  And the name, my dear love, that I took on that forgotten night—­”

“I know it now!” he sobbed.  “The shadowy remembrance strengthens.  It is come back.  I thank Heaven that my mind is quite restored!  My Mary, kiss me; lull this weary head to rest, or I shall die of gratitude.  His parting words were fulfilled.  I see Home again!”

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Poor Travellers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.