The Seven Poor Travellers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 48 pages of information about The Seven Poor Travellers.
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The Seven Poor Travellers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 48 pages of information about The Seven Poor Travellers.

In that year, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, the French were in Egypt, in Italy, in Germany, where not?  Napoleon Bonaparte had likewise begun to stir against us in India, and most men could read the signs of the great troubles that were coming on.  In the very next year, when we formed an alliance with Austria against him, Captain Taunton’s regiment was on service in India.  And there was not a finer non-commissioned officer in it,—­no, nor in the whole line—­than Corporal Richard Doubledick.

In eighteen hundred and one, the Indian army were on the coast of Egypt.  Next year was the year of the proclamation of the short peace, and they were recalled.  It had then become well known to thousands of men, that wherever Captain Taunton, with the dark, bright eyes, led, there, close to him, ever at his side, firm as a rock, true as the sun, and brave as Mars, would be certain to be found, while life beat in their hearts, that famous soldier, Sergeant Richard Doubledick.

Eighteen hundred and five, besides being the great year of Trafalgar, was a year of hard fighting in India.  That year saw such wonders done by a Sergeant-Major, who cut his way single-handed through a solid mass of men, recovered the colours of his regiment, which had been seized from the hand of a poor boy shot through the heart, and rescued his wounded Captain, who was down, and in a very jungle of horses’ hoofs and sabres,—­saw such wonders done, I say, by this brave Sergeant-Major, that he was specially made the bearer of the colours he had won; and Ensign Richard Doubledick had risen from the ranks.

Sorely cut up in every battle, but always reinforced by the bravest of men,—­for the fame of following the old colours, shot through and through, which Ensign Richard Doubledick had saved, inspired all breasts,—­this regiment fought its way through the Peninsular war, up to the investment of Badajos in eighteen hundred and twelve.  Again and again it had been cheered through the British ranks until the tears had sprung into men’s eyes at the mere hearing of the mighty British voice, so exultant in their valour; and there was not a drummer-boy but knew the legend, that wherever the two friends, Major Taunton, with the dark, bright eyes, and Ensign Richard Doubledick, who was devoted to him, were seen to go, there the boldest spirits in the English army became wild to follow.

One day, at Badajos,—­not in the great storming, but in repelling a hot sally of the besieged upon our men at work in the trenches, who had given way,—­the two officers found themselves hurrying forward, face to face, against a party of French infantry, who made a stand.  There was an officer at their head, encouraging his men,—­a courageous, handsome, gallant officer of five-and-thirty, whom Doubledick saw hurriedly, almost momentarily, but saw well.  He particularly noticed this officer waving his sword, and rallying his men with an eager and excited cry, when they fired in obedience to his gesture, and Major Taunton dropped.

Project Gutenberg
The Seven Poor Travellers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.