Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 03 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 244 pages of information about Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great.

Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 03 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 244 pages of information about Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great.

In Eighteen Hundred Forty, he was re-elected Governor.  The second administration was marked, as was the first, by a vigorous policy of pushing forward public improvements.

At the close of his second term Seward found his personal affairs in rather an unsettled condition, the expenses of official position having exceeded his income.  He had had a goodly taste of the ingratitude of republics, and philosopher though he was, he was yet too young to know that his experience in well-doing was not unique, a fact he came to comprehend full well, in later years.  And so he did that very human thing—­declared his intention of retiring permanently from public life.

Once back at Auburn, clients flocked to him, and he took his pick of business.  And yet we find that public affairs were in his mind.  Vexed questions of State policy were brought to him to decide, and journeys were made to Ohio and Michigan in the interests of men charged with slave-stealing.  There was little money in such practise and small honors, but his heart was in the work.

In Eighteen Hundred Forty-four, Seward entered with much zest into the canvass in behalf of Henry Clay for President, as he thought Clay’s election would surely lead the way to general emancipation.

In Eighteen Hundred Forty-eight, he supported General Taylor with equal energy.  When Taylor was elected, there proved to be a great deal of opposition to him among the members from the South, in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.  The administration felt the need of being backed by strong men in the Senate—­men who could think on their feet, and carry a point when necessary against the opposition that sought to confuse and embarrass the friends of the administration with tireless windmill elocution.

From Washington came the urgent request that Seward should be sent to the United States Senate.  In Eighteen Hundred Forty-nine, he was chosen senator and from the first became the trusted leader of the administration party.

The year after Seward’s election to the Senate, President Taylor died and Vice-President Fillmore (who had the happiness to live in the village of East Aurora, New York) succeeded to the office, but Seward still remained leader of the Anti-Slavery Party.

Seward’s second term as United States Senator closed in Eighteen Hundred Sixty-one.  In Eighteen Hundred Fifty-five, when his first term expired, there was a very strenuous effort made against his re-election.  His strong and continued anti-slavery position had caused him to be thoroughly hated both North and South.  He was spoken of as “a seditious agitator and a dangerous man.”

But in spite of opposition he was again sent back to Washington.  Small, slim, gentle, modest and low-voiced, he was pointed out in Pennsylvania Avenue as “one who reads much and sees quite through the deeds of men.”

Men who are well traduced and hotly denounced are usually pretty good quality.  No better encomium is needed than the detraction of some people.  And men who are well hated also have friends who love them well.  Thus does the law of compensation ever live.

Project Gutenberg
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 03 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.