The Lost World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Lost World.

The Lost World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Lost World.

I looked at my comrades.  Lord John was standing at gaze with his finger on the trigger of his elephant-gun, his eager hunter’s soul shining from his fierce eyes.  What would he not give for one such head to place between the two crossed oars above the mantelpiece in his snuggery at the Albany!  And yet his reason held him in, for all our exploration of the wonders of this unknown land depended upon our presence being concealed from its inhabitants.  The two professors were in silent ecstasy.  In their excitement they had unconsciously seized each other by the hand, and stood like two little children in the presence of a marvel, Challenger’s cheeks bunched up into a seraphic smile, and Summerlee’s sardonic face softening for the moment into wonder and reverence.

“Nunc dimittis!” he cried at last.  “What will they say in England of this?”

“My dear Summerlee, I will tell you with great confidence exactly what they will say in England,” said Challenger.  “They will say that you are an infernal liar and a scientific charlatan, exactly as you and others said of me.”

“In the face of photographs?”

“Faked, Summerlee!  Clumsily faked!”

“In the face of specimens?”

“Ah, there we may have them!  Malone and his filthy Fleet Street crew may be all yelping our praises yet.  August the twenty-eighth—­ the day we saw five live iguanodons in a glade of Maple White Land.  Put it down in your diary, my young friend, and send it to your rag.”

“And be ready to get the toe-end of the editorial boot in return,” said Lord John.  “Things look a bit different from the latitude of London, young fellah my lad.  There’s many a man who never tells his adventures, for he can’t hope to be believed.  Who’s to blame them?  For this will seem a bit of a dream to ourselves in a month or two.  What did you say they were?”

“Iguanodons,” said Summerlee.  “You’ll find their footmarks all over the Hastings sands, in Kent, and in Sussex.  The South of England was alive with them when there was plenty of good lush green-stuff to keep them going.  Conditions have changed, and the beasts died.  Here it seems that the conditions have not changed, and the beasts have lived.”

“If ever we get out of this alive, I must have a head with me,” said Lord John.  “Lord, how some of that Somaliland-Uganda crowd would turn a beautiful pea-green if they saw it!  I don’t know what you chaps think, but it strikes me that we are on mighty thin ice all this time.”

I had the same feeling of mystery and danger around us.  In the gloom of the trees there seemed a constant menace and as we looked up into their shadowy foliage vague terrors crept into one’s heart.  It is true that these monstrous creatures which we had seen were lumbering, inoffensive brutes which were unlikely to hurt anyone, but in this world of wonders what other survivals might there not be—­what fierce, active horrors ready to pounce upon us from their lair among the rocks or brushwood?  I knew little of prehistoric life, but I had a clear remembrance of one book which I had read in which it spoke of creatures who would live upon our lions and tigers as a cat lives upon mice.  What if these also were to be found in the woods of Maple White Land!

Project Gutenberg
The Lost World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.